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Blabbermouth.net reports Miami, Florida's TORCHE are gearing up for a busy year, with several new releases planned, heavy time on the road and the...


The term "metalcore" has become practically meaningless. When Killswitch Engage, Full Blown Chaos, and Converge fit into the same category, it might as well...


Metal bands often talk of war, but few actually sound like it. Amon Amarth and Bolt Thrower have built careers around war themes, yet...

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PANTHEON I guitarist, John Espen Sagstad, recently caught up with ANTENNA and talked about the future of the band: Antenna: Your new album has...


Metallic hardcore – no more and no less. But before you click away, think about why you might object to those two words. Simplistic...


Recording an album with a band is hard enough; recording one by yourself is exponentially harder. Thus, it's noteworthy when a one-man project like...

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Roadrunner Records has announced the signing of progressive metal pioneers DREAM THEATER. A new studio album, "Systematic Chaos", is due in June. DREAM THEATER...

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Official Press Release: Relapse Records is proud to announce the signing of avant-garde rock extremists GENGHIS TRON. Upon signing, GENGHIS TRON comment: "We're incredibly...

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Children of the 80s, go check out the 43rd episode of MSRCAST entitled "On The Sunset Strip", which is a part of the METAL...

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Earache Records is celebrating their 20th anniversary by doing a bunch of reissues and compilations…typical label retrospective-type stuff. Where other labels who have recently...

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Dave Mustaine has posted the following message on the MEGADETH Forums: "I will have an announcement to make concerning our upcoming tour dates and...

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Turns out Sharon "Money Bags" Osbourne has come up with a genius idea. Let kids get into Ozzfest for free, and charge the sponsors....


Over time, the legendary yet shadowy French black metal act Blut Aus Nord has grown increasingly experimental. On MoRT, it has perhaps both lost...

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PIG DESTROYER have begun recording their new full-length album, titled "Phantom Limb". PIG DESTROYER are currently recording "Phantom Limb"at Omega Studios (BAD BRAINS) in...


Well, this rips. Plain and simple. It isn't the most original album around, but Year of Desolation's debut is a ferocious blend of death...

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The man who rudely insulted the Doof-in-Chief at a party is back, and he's smackin' down Bush's gibberish State of the Union Address. Regarding...

Clip of the Day

On the heels of the Maryland Deathfest V announcement, we decided to make today's br00tal clip from none other than New York City old-school...


If you like Hatebreed, you'll love Born From Pain. That's the long and short of it, as well as the good and bad. The...

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> Corey Taylor, frontman for STONE SOUR and SLIPKNOT tells MTV.com that due to the success of STONE SOUR, he and guitarist Jim Root,...

Ask Me...I'm Right

[swf width="500" height="93"]https://metalinjection.net/blogs/greg.swf[/swf] Greg Weeks is not only the basisst of one of the coolest, heaviest bands on the scene right now, THE RED...


I recently had the pleasure to speak with one of my all-time favorite frontmen, Jesse Leach. You can currently hear Jesse on the latest...

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BURY YOUR DEAD vocalist Mat Buso has left the band to pursue a degree for teaching and to be with his wife. Not very...

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The end of the year always means "Top XX" lists for music nerds. While I'm as musically nerdy as one can get, I don't...