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Search results for "melvins"


The Melvins teamed up with the amazing Scion A/V to release a new song available for free download, which is al the weirdness you'd...

Quick Bits

Greetings once again all you metal nerds. This was a rough week. Rough in a sense that there was almost too much good stuff...

Tour Dates

The dates are set, Memorial Day Weekend 2013. The venue is now secured…it's at the former location of Sonar, basically the home of MDF...


If you haven't been reading the Melvins' tour diaries from their 51 Shows In 51 Days Tour, you are missing out on some great...

Latest News

That's right! They counted DC as a state. A few weeks back, we reported The Melvins are looking to set a world record by...

Tour Dates

The Melvins are looking to make history by setting the Guinness World Record for the first band to play all 50 U.S. states and...


It's the hump-day AV roundup. Let's play some tuneskis. Got a killer orchestral cover of Converge, new music from Dying Fetus, Corey Smoot, The...


It's only Tuesday? That's kind of a bummer, why can't it be the weekend for a whole week, am I right? Thankfully, we have...


Let's kick off May with a massive A/V Roundup shall we? April showers bring May music, and here's all the new music and video...


I'm about a week away from heading to Austin, TX for South By Southwest and damn it, I WISH IT WAS HERE ALREADY! I'm...

Upcoming Releases

The Melvins always know how to keep busy, and busy they will be this Spring as they embark on a tour with Unsane. They will...

Tour Dates

I've seen The Melvins a few times now and every time they amaze me with their showmanship and the sheer power of their thick...

Tour Dates

I was completely blown away when I saw the Melvins live last summer during Isis' final tour, which is why I am super band...


Knowing I was about to go see the Melvins for the first time and ISIS for the last time, I knew I had to...


It's Tuesday and for the first time in a while, there is no LOST on tonight. I guess I'll just have to listen to...

Quick Bits

The stoner tour of the year is coming to your town very soon. DOWN and THE MELVINS, two iconic bands are touring together for...

Go See This Fucking Band

The increasingly popular trend of bands playing an album in its entirety can be an awesome way to hear their best songs, a confirmation...


The MELVINS are fresh off their unbelievable ATP Winter festival showcase that they curated with Mike Patton. If you missed it, too bad; for...

Latest News

Several days ago, All Tomorrow's Parties announced the preliminary billing for their annual winter Nightmare Before Christmas festival in England and it looks like...

Tour Dates

THE MELVINS have announced they will be putting out a new record on July 8 through Ipecac Recordings. The eleven-track opus, Nude With Boots...

Latest News

"The title track for me is a pretty special one. I think it’s really heavy."