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Woah, in the last few days a sea of awesome music has found it's way online: DEVIN TOWNSEAD has unvieled a new look and...

Metal Up Your Ass

Why is it only Tuesday? This has already been a long week. Well, at least there are plenty distractions on the interwebs to prevent...


On a very special edition of the livecast, we are joined by the guitarist of THE RED CHORD, Mike "Gunface" McKenzie. Gunface discussed how...

Metal Up Your Ass

Thrash is back. And its cooler than ever because the masters have returned. Testament will be touring soon and Anthrax members are making all...


Every week Whenever they feel like it, the editors of The Apparatus webzine will present a new tech album that you should do yourself...

Tour Dates

Coming off a mind-crushingly awesome new album and spots on the Metal Masters, Priest Feast and CHILDREN OF BODOM/THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER tours, TESTAMENT...

Clip of the Day

Gene Simmons recently had a debate with music industry guru Bob Lefsetz. They are both Jews, they both have conflicting viewpoints. The yenta fight...

Monday Wake Up Call

With all the negativity in the news media, we felt the perfect song to describe our current economic climate would be what is possibly...

Latest News

Something fishy is going on in the ARSIS camp. It all started in December when it was announced that then-guitarist Ryan Knight would be...


Last weekend will be a weekend that I will never forget. Vice Magazine and Scion (the car company) teamed up to present Scion Rock...


After a one week coke-binge break we are back with an all new RIP a Livecast. Join Rob, 3D, Noa, Sid and friends as...

Tour Dates

When we announced the killer upcoming MASTODON tour with INTRONAUT and KYLESA, contributer Ryan Beuge pointed out in the comments of that post that...

Tour Dates

Did someone tell the dudes in MASTODON that they couldn't pull in a crowd unless they brought a few similarly sick bands along with...


Watain – devils blood Swallow the sun – these hours of despair Suicidal Tendencies – Come Alive Master – The Final Skull Zonaria –...


A few years ago, we were at the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival and we were waiting for some main stage act to...

Go See This Fucking Band

In what will stand as one of the year's best tour packages, SOILWORK, DARKANE, WARBRINGER and SWALLOW THE SUN invaded the Highline Ballroom for...

Go See This Fucking Band

Last night, the entire Metal Injection crew came out for what may end up being the biggest show of 2009: Meshuggah, Cynic and The...


Like any movie starring Freddy Krueger, CANNIBAL CORPSE are almost insusceptible to evaluation. Anybody who likes Cannibal Corpse is going to enjoy Evisceration Plague,...

Latest News

I'm not sure how I missed this a few weeks ago, but A Life Once Lost are writing a new album. They issued the...

Latest News

Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...


Shouldn't these guys have exhausted their formula by now? CATTLE DECAPITATION's grindcore/death metal format doesn't leave much room for growth, and they're still drilling...

Tour Dates

Right on the heels of Time Waits for No Slave, their umpteenth offering of face-melting grindcore, England's extreme metal pioneers NAPALM DEATH are marauding...


So Blabbermouth is reporting that a much-maligned band iz back together, and already people are up in arms as if the world were being...