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"Don't get used to this being a yearly event."

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"It's also influenced by other stuff I'm listening to at the moment, like Kublai Khan and Jesus Piece and Knocked Loose, Judiciary."

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"As a metal head myself, I send my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the band for elevating our genre, and if even for a...



"Rotting Christ might actually be at their very best right now. This is a tough LP to top."


"Overwhelming, yet calming, Botanist continues to find new ways of bringing their sound into new territories."


"Backdrops and inspirations aside, this is music for rumbling the depths of the soul."


"Mind Burns Alive is sure to evoke something new and delightfully pensive out of the listener."



Italian progressive/melodic death metal band RAINTIME have posted the video for the song “Rolling Chances” at YouTube. The song comes from their forthcoming album,...