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Tour Dates

Summer is coming. If you aren't slaughtering, then throw on your gym shorts and let's get ready to throw down! It's the Thrash and...

Latest News

Our week-long coverage of the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival continues today with three really funny video interviews posted. Take a peek: Interview...


Please if you have downloaded episode 87 before, please redownload. There was a hitch in the program and people were actually getting the audio...

Latest News

Continuing our coverage of the New England Metal and Hardcore Festival, we had a chance to speak with GOD FORBID guitarist Doc Coyle. We...

Latest News

Returning to Worcester's Palladium, New England Metal and Hardcore fest will once again melt your ear drums to waxy lava lamps this April 16...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today marks the first day of a super busy week for me. So expect crappier and short editions. No worries, though. I'll be back...

Latest News

Coming off a successful new album and on the verge of two seperate huge tours (with LAMB OF GOD and Mayhem Fest), GOD FORBID...

Tour Dates

Late last week, the organizers of the NEW ENGLAND METAL & HARDCORE FESTIVAL announced the finalized lineup. In an effort to get the word...

Metal Up Your Ass

Today metal got some exciting updates: like Gorguts' Luc Lemay confirming the new lineup! There is also some really cool Scion footage floating around...

Tour Dates

Coming off a mind-crushingly awesome new album and spots on the Metal Masters, Priest Feast and CHILDREN OF BODOM/THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER tours, TESTAMENT...

Latest News

Ever wished you could make it out to one of those ginormous metal festivals that get thrown in the UK? Wanted to be a...


It's still over a month away, but LAMB OF GOD's new album Wrath continues to seep into the public ear by way of "Set...

Latest News

Just getting back in the work groove? Then what the hell are you doing slacking off over here?? Ok, we won't judge. But, in...


The MELVINS are fresh off their unbelievable ATP Winter festival showcase that they curated with Mike Patton. If you missed it, too bad; for...

Clip of the Day

Yesterday we posted a new commercial featuring the Prince of Darkness, OZZY OSBOURNE acting like a bumbling idiot who nobody can understand. That is...


Amon Amarth – Guardians Of Asgaard Armored Saint – Spineless Mindfunk – 11 Ton Butterfly Metal Church – The Perfect Crime Metal Church –...

Upcoming Releases

Years ago, horror film director, comic book creator and TCM show host Rob Zombie was best-known as the frontman for White Zombie, an underground...

Upcoming Releases

Fall's arrival signals the year's busiest season for new music, and if death metal, thrash or metalcore raises your index and pinky, chances are...

METAL Injection

We have posted a new episode of our video podcast, The FiX. The co-owners of MetalSucks.net, Axl Rosenberg and Vince Neilstien take over the...

Tour Dates

As far as shows go, this fall is shaping up to be absolutely insane. Without even mentioning Carcass or Amon Amarth, there are still...


AMON AMARTH posted the title track off their upcoming CD, Twilight of the Thunder God on their MySpace page. The song features a guest...

Latest News

Setlists for the first stop of the Metal Masters Tour (featuring JUDAS PRIEST, HEAVEN AND HELL, MOTORHEAD and TESTAMENT) have made their way online,...

METAL Injection

Super-sexy Baltimore correspondent Metal Nick has posted a ton of videos from this weekend's Maryland Deathfest. Here is a listing: Fuck…I'm Dead Twist of...