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Weekly Injection

This edition contains Canadian thrash perfection, desert rock royalty, and more! To the metals…


Crank up some great metal to celebrate the 31st birthday of Trivium's Matt Heafy.


It's refreshing to see Sepultura doubling down on their future at a time when they'd be forgiven for milking the 20th anniversary of their...


Black Anvil has always been able to balance atmosphere into their metal, but As Was might be their best effort yet.


Norway’s own horror circus, Slagmaur, have built critical acclaim shrouded in grotesque fascination and complete mystery over the past several years, and they're about...

Dank Slams

What better way to celebrate this week's release of the hotly anticipated return to form of the Resident Evil series than with a brutally...

Tour Dates

Some great news for Eyehategod fans. After a successful liver transplant, Mike IX Williams is returning to front Eyehategod. The band will be performing...


You know you're getting old when 20 years ago feels like just yesterday, but that's how I felt compiling this gallery of album covers...

Tech-Death Tuesday

In today's Tech-Death Tuesday, we review the latest Phobiatic album. A terrifying self-titled ode to the gods of chaos that deserves its just recognition.

Upcoming Releases

They might be done with it already!

Latest News

Dave Grohl could fill in for Steve Jones, and nobody would know.

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Straight Hate’s Every Scum is a Straight Arrow.

Show Recap

Eindhoven Metal Meeting was a fantastic experience, and Aura Noir destroyed it. by Stefan Raduta Twenty two years, don’t they go by in a...


Richard Spencer is the self-proclaimed leader/inventor of the "alt-right" movement, a fancy new rebranding of white nationalists, which again is a fancy way of...

Live Footage

As part of the NAMM festivities, there was a special Metal Allegiance show last night and it was covers city! Blabbermouth reports the full...


Four years later, Pelican is doing another album.

Dank Slams

If you've been following, the last two weeks over here at the Dank offices have been, well, inconceivably brutal. Our heads hurt – our...


Complete with a short, pretty intense trailer.