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br00tal Comedy

Amon Amarth love viking culture so our friends at Banger took the dudes to a axe throwing battle at BTL. Johan Hegg and Johan...


Under Attack is album number fourteen and if there’s an underlying message at play it’s that you can teach old dogs new tricks while...


Another kickass Whitechapel track.

Shocking Revelations

Simmons called Prince's death due to prescription painkiller addiction "pathetic."

Fuck Yes!

Rob Zombie is the man!


Haken had no need to prove anything on this record. Their past few releases have been nothing less than monumental. I can't confidently claim...


NTW is a plenty worthy release. It's just going to make you wish that there was more.


False Highs, True Lows is carnivorous and frothing, teeming with black metal and metallic hardcore influences that leaves almost no room to breathe.


WRONG's first full length album provides noise rock anthems that provide the real feel of a room and manage to capture a taste of...


Metal is in a very good place right now - one journalist muses as to why.

Song Premiere

Hailing from deep within the snow-capped Rocky Mountains, Denver's own Wayfarer conjure up vivid images of bleak landscapes and isolation with their adventurous and atmospheric soundscapes....

Injection Reflection

Prince died this week, so that sucked. Here are this week's most trending stories: Corey Taylor Just Paid Tribute To PRINCE at First Ave....

Bummer Alert

Brian Johnson finally speaks!

Shocking Revelations

Guns N Roses' Axl Rose is the new vocalist of AC/DC. It's confirmed!


Origins Vol. 1 is basically one of those all-too-common covers albums that were clearly more fun for the musicians to record than it is...

Song Premiere

There must be something in that brännvin those Swedes drink, because it's become a rule of thumb that most metal bands hailing from Sweden are generally...


Zakk Wylde has just put out his best album in years... and it's an acoustic record.


The Bendal Interlude bring it all together with their latest release. Can you handle the Death & Roll madness?


In a lot of ways it’s not what you’d expect. And that’s what makes it great.