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Search results for "Limited"

Upcoming Releases

Sources say it's exactly what we've been waiting for from the band!

Tour Dates

This is going to be the biggest jam session yet!

Latest News

Legendary doom band Sleep haven't released an album in over ten years now, but they sure as hell want to help you get a...


I love a great cover song and up until 15 minutes ago, I had no idea who Charles Bradley was, but now I think...

Latest News

It seems Christmas came early for me this year! I've just received a special edition re-release of Pale Folklore, the debut album from folk-metal...

Latest News

Carcass guitarist Bill Steer seems to be pretty stoked on the fact that Carcass is back together with a new album. Hell, he even...

Around the Interwebs

I tried to sum up "God mode" for those unaware, but Wikipedia put it best by saying it's "a game mechanic or cheat that...


The Decibel 100th issue show happened at the beginning of this year, and it was a whole lot of fun. I initially wrote my...

Tour Dates

It's really, actually happening. We've figured out the lineup, got it confirmed by the band, confirmed by Decibel itself and now it's a very...

Tour Dates

Between The Buried and Me aren't quite done touring yet. The band have one more round left in them before they go back into...

Upcoming Releases

Seeing as though Metallica's 3D movie, Through The Never bombed here in the States and  overseas, the band is now gearing up for the home...


It's not too often you get to meet your musical heroes, let alone sit down and talk to them for a pretty extensive amount...

Bands and Booze

There are so many bands with their own beer nowadays that we had to create a unique category just to house all the news,...

Live Footage

Here's a clip from the excellent new Decibel 100th Issue show live DVD that is out now. There are only 1000 copies of the...


We love ourselves a good ole-fashion tour rumor, and what a (potential) tour this one is going to be. It's highly likely that Carcass, The...

Around the Interwebs

Are you looking around your space of living right now and noticing you don't have a Lemmy (from Motorhead, duh) statue? Is that a...

Latest News

Crowdfunded music projects are pretty common in the heavy metal community nowadays. A growing number of bands are taking to sites like Kickstarter and...

Music Videos

 The single, taken from the band's upcoming Prosthetic Records debut  Slave To The Sword, is currently being offered as a limited edition 7" vinyl...

METAL Injection

Five years between albums is a long time but when you've got a hundred other side projects that's just the way shit rolls. And...


Someone's been listening to their King Diamond. Oh, what the hell… there are so many Venom, Bathory and Celtic Frost clones flitting about – not to mention Sabbath, Slayer and even Blue Oyster...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 


I went out and got my hipster on Sunday at the Treasure Island Festival. I have not shame in this. However, in the process...

Metal Merch

How have folk metal bands not thought of this sooner? Or maybe they have and I've just missed the boat this whole time. Either...