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THE HAUNTED To Release Three New Songs This Month!

Sources say it's exactly what we've been waiting for from the band!

Sources say it's exactly what we've been waiting for from the band!

The Haunted are dropping their new three-song single (that's what Century Media are calling it) on us called Eye of the Storm come Jan. 20! While the band still have original members Patrik Jensen on rhythm guitar and Jonas Björler on bass, this release will be the first with new guitarist Ola Englund (Feared, Six Feet Under) and former vocalist Marco Aro and drummer Adrian Erlandsson. I always thought Aro was a better fit vocally for the band than Peter Dolving, so this is great news!

Naysays about the upcoming single and eventually record be damned as well, because MetalSucks are saying they've heard it and it's good stuff reminiscent of the old Haunted we've all come to know and love. Is it Jan. 20 yet? grab yourself a killer limited edition 7" from the band while they're still in stock for the release.

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