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Search results for "Limited"

Tour Dates

You better make plans to see At the Gates in 2015!


Katatonia have been in a reflective mood of late. After retooling their 2012 album Dead End Kings on last year's Dethroned and Uncrowned, the...


Not the baseball grindcore band this time!

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Gokkar who had the best zinger: "I see the problem…I think we should ALL be wearing...

Artists in Metal

In this interview we talk about his early upbringing as an artist, his introduction into making artwork for bands, the current state of visual...


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...

Upcoming Releases

Pig Destroyer has always been a band that's about speed and relentlessness above all. The formidable intensity of the band's music comes from the...


After the band's initial assembly in 2007, and creating a self-titled full length album, Those Who Bring The Torture then disbanded in 2010. In...

Tour Dates

The Swedes are coming!

Weekly Injection

The writer of the WEEKLY INJECTION has been kidnapped! Oh wait, no he hasn't, JK. Now you care about my posts right? Anywhoozle, This...

Music Videos

Five Finger Death Punch wanted to pay respect to our veterans with their new video for "Wrong Side of Heaven." Commenting on the video,...


Many of the ideas and riffs go back as far as Entrails’ early '90s salad days and most of these songs have already appeared...

Metal Merch

Remember Kirk? He's back! In zombie form.