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The Halo Effect, who by now you know consists of Dark Tranquility vocalist Mikael Stanne alongside former In Flames members Jesper Strömblad, Peter Iwers,...

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The long festival weekend had passed in the blink of an eye, because just as soon as Bastardane had opened the festival, Sunday had...


"Esoctrilihum is the best avant-garde extreme metal entity in existence right now."


With bands like Korn and Limp Bizkit enjoying retrospective kudos, it’s only fair to shed light on overlooked groups from the nu metal troop.


"Just like Songs from the Apocalypse, Postcards from the Asylum is a brilliantly exploratory and urbane voyage as only Bieler and company could make."


"For people who seek the dissonance and blistering riffs and rhythms of classic Demilich and Gorguts, this is the album for you."


"The novelty hasn't worn off. But by the end of this 41-minute record, it's starting to show some wear and tear."

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He also discussed the hardest thing about the reunion in Japan.

Metal Merch

The symphonic goths will project their vision in vibrant color this spring.


"The future is wide open for Valo. We're happy to see him return."