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Search results for "megadeth"

RIP a Livecast

We start with Rob sharing a story from Brighton Beach of a local Borat lookalike. We check in with Megadeth's album production and play...

Injection Reflection

It's the first week of August, which means it's time to start worrying that summer is almost over. Here's what you missed. Joey Jordison's...

Shocking Revelations

We love stories of days past. If you've seen any documentary on late Motorhead frontman Lemmy Kilmister, you know the man loved his whiskey...

It's Just Business

July was a rough month for hard rock and heavy metal on Spotify, with roughly 65% of this list seeing a drop in listeners...

Five Favorite Records

James Rolfe is an indie filmmaker and Youtuber under the name Cinemassacre. He’s the creator of the Angry Video Game Nerd, a character who...

Upcoming Releases

Slipknot has been working on a follow up for 2019's We Are Not Your Kind for over a year and it looks like we...

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off discussing the title of the new Megadeth album, and playing a few more Dave Mustaine Cameo videos. We then discuss...


On this day, thirty-eight years ago, July 25, 1983, Metallica's Kill 'Em All was released to an unsuspecting public, not knowing that this band...

Mashups & Covers

William Maranci, ruining your day.

RIP a Livecast

We dive DEEP into the Dave Mustaine Cameo page this week, and learn a lot about the Megadeth frontman. We also learn about Ivan...

Injection Reflection

We are in the thick of summer, so enjoy it before it's over. Here's what you missed this week: Listen to Fred Durst's Isolated...

Latest News

Lamb of God's Randy Blythe had quite a life-changing experience when he was arrested and spent time in a Czech prison before being found...

Back in the Day

As a forever fan of heavy metal folklore, here's a nice throwback to 1988 and the not-so-secret gig Iron Maiden played at the storied...

Upcoming Releases

Yesterday we talked about Trivium dropping some very mysterious teasers on their Twitter that appeared to hint at new music. Turns out they totally...

RIP a Livecast

Noa's back, and she updates us on all the different types of weather patterns in her new hometown, we learn about Dave Mustaine's Cameo,...

Upcoming Releases

They're posting lyrics that don't belong to any known song.