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If you are a regular visitor to this site, you know who THE RED CHORD are. They are the band that just can't keep...

Tour Dates

This is what happens when there is only one major touring festival in the summer. All the other bands team up for "mega tours"....

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I have a new-found respect for AS I LAY DYING vocalist Tim Lambesis . In between being in a highly successful band, he had...

Video Premiere

DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN keep it surreal in this new clip for their latest single "Black Bubblegum", one of the mellower tunes on their latest...


Testament's The Formation of Damnation has been hotly anticipated for two reasons.  First, it marks the return of lead guitarist Alex Skolnick.  This resets...

Latest News

If all the world was a message board, and the topic was AT THE GATES reunion, Japan would start the thread with a gigantic...

Quick Bits

> A teaser for MESHUGGAH's Bleed video has made its way online, and it looks very awesome. Check it out here with additional stills...

Quick Bits

> DARKEST HOUR guitarist, Mike Schleibaum, has launched a new online advice column, called AsktheDude.net . It will feature Mike giving advice based on...

Tour Dates

CATTLE DECAPITATION front man Travis Ryan recently posted an update on the band's status: "The guys have been writing like crazy, we're already 4...

Attention, Stoners:

Woaaah, man. Fuckin' NEUROSIS man! Check out these two live clips that VBS.tv posted, man! Yea man…

METAL Injection

We have posted 3 live clips of ODIOUS MORTEM performing at Maryland Death Fest V. Above is the track Vile Progeny. Check out the...


It's no secret how much we love LAMB OF GOD here at Metal Injection. That's why we're really psyched to check out this new...

Tour Dates

BORIS and TORCHE are two bands you absolutely need to know about. Check out BORIS above and check out our previous coverage of TORCHE....

Metal Injection Radio

Dream Theater - Ytse Jam Helstar - Perserverance and Desperation Varga - Goodbye Boogaloo Metallica - Orion Ayreon - Carpe Diem Black Sabbath -...

Tour Dates

DETHKLOK is touring again, and AGAIN they don't hit New York. Very unfair to me. But everybody else in the U.S. seems to be...

Tour Dates

INTRONAUT, BEHOLD…THE ARCTOPUS, and MOUTH OF THE ARCHITECT will team up for the following tour dates. Ganj not included: August 1 – Columbus, OH...


Every up-and-coming metal band should watch Born in the Basement.  The DVD, by original Overkill drummer Lee Kundrat (aka Rat Skates), is a metal...


> KINGDOM OF SORROW's new video for "Lead Into Demise" can be seen above. Rather crushing if you ask me. > Those fine young...

Latest News

The Acacia Strain will be headlining this summers "Sun Your Bunz Tour" with All Shall Perish, Since The Flood and on select dates The...

Tour Dates

Here are the latest, official dates for the METAL Injection sponsored “Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival,” which will feature SLIPKNOT, DISTURBED, MACHINE HEAD, MASTODON, DRAGONFORCE,...


So, what's the deal with all these new bands that put the core in grindcore with their silly long names and infectious breakdowns? There...

Latest News

> Dallas Coyle, GOD FORBID guitarist, has been posting a weekly column at MetalSucks and it's been quite the read. The latest talks about...

Tour Dates

More dates have been announced for the upcoming DEATH ANGEL/GOD FORBID co-headlining tour now called "In Thrash We Trust" trek this May/June. SOILENT GREEN...