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Weekly Injection

This week's edition features everyone's prehistoric themed prog band, stoner parody, a couple long-running innovators, and more!


The band has thrown enough curve balls at us to make the anticipation a bit uneasy for some, but with Mayhem one thing is...

Bands and Booze

This truly is the American dream- when you die, you get your own bar.


A history lesson on extreme metal for free? Yes, please!

Latest News

Everyone won, everyone got some money and free stuff and nobody is mad!

Tour Dates

Agalloch, those Portlandian princes of blackened folk metal, are taking to the road this summer to support the release of their upcoming fifth album The...


Rhode Island is not a place you normally think of when the subject of strong metal scenes arise. Vital Remains and The Body spring to mind, but little...


Death metal has morphed and grown a lot over the past thirty or so years, with plenty of bands trying to push the envelope...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Another winner in my book for modern black metal!

Bands and Booze

That's a lot of drunk fans. Right on, you glorious bastards!

Tour Dates

Megadeth are going to France, Netherlands, Sweden....everywhere!

Black Metal History

When people talk about U.S. black metal, the focus is usually on the Brooklyn, Pacific Northwest, and California scenes. But if you dig a...

Live Footage

Oblivion frontman Nick Vasallo took inspiration from metal bands like Dying Fetus, All Shall Perish, Antagony and others when composing his new piece, Elements...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...

Black Metal History

By 2002, True Norwegian Black Metal had become a shadow of its former self; many of the subgenre's powerhouse bands had either disbanded or...

Fuck Yes!

Shredding has never looked this cool!


Fans of early Napalm Death are going to want to listen up.

Latest News

Carcass guitarist Bill Steer seems to be pretty stoked on the fact that Carcass is back together with a new album. Hell, he even...


Avenged Sevenfold has teamed up with Machinima's Happy Hour for a new animated series based on Avenged's recent album, Hail To The King, directed...


Avenged Sevenfold has teamed up with Machinima's Happy Hour for a new animated series based on Avenged's recent album, Hail To The King, directed by Metalocalypse...

Tour Dates

They're not done yet! Despite Geezer Butler hinting that the band's summer tour might be their last, the band announced 12 new North American...