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Search results for "nova"

Tour Dates

To commemorate the 170th anniversary of Texas' independence, The Dirty Dog bar in Austin, TX will be throwing a metal party for the ages....


Hey! Welcome back to Ranked, where we pick apart classic bands' discographies to the sound of everyone yelling. Today we're hopping across the pond...

Tour Dates

Are you looking forward to this combo?


Is djent a real genre? We may never know, but Periphery will transcend past the classification and continue to be something special.


Crows push forward with a sound that is utterly restless without sounding like it's trying to be tougher than the toughest kid on the...

Best of 2014

After pouring over piles of releases and looking back on some of the brilliant music that emerged this year, it became apparent that this...


"Reach Beyond The Sun was predicated on correcting past mistakes, namely over-thinking, over-writing, and deliberately over-complicating."

Open Metacast

This week not only marked the 10th anniversary of Dimebag Darerel's death (which seems like it was only yesterday) but also the passing of...

Latest News

Tributes from Vinnie Paul, Avenged Sevenfold's M. Shadows, Max Cavalera and more.


We have the science to prove he's wrong!


Perhaps there’s no greater love letter to our sweaty, hedonistic subculture than the heavy metal cover song. Metal kids grow up playing along to...


...and I'm not talking about a Manowar song!

Weekly Injection

With this week in the books, I can start prepping my end of the year list. There will be a few other ear catching...


Heaviness abounds... intelligently!

Weekly Injection

Welcome to the first WEEKLY INJECTION of 2014's home stretch. This edition includes a bunch of different sounding bands from England, lots of straight-up...


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...


Dylan Carlson doesn’t exactly abandon his Western noir template on this year’s Primitive and Deadly - an uncharacteristically ho hum album title that serves...

Upcoming Releases

Pfft, what's next? Albums that are one long song?


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...

Weekly Injection

Quantity and quality from the more underground side of metal this week friends. this week's edition includes the reunion album from a band that...


This Massachusetts based band will soon be releasing Phenomena on July 22nd. With three EPs, and three other full-length albums already under their belt,...

Breakups & Shakeups

Danish metal band Mnemic have been around for quite a wile, but you may not have heard from them for a while. They've been...