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Search results for "Burning"

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Cj Coronado who had the best zinger: Drink it! It's my frozen beer! It'll getcha kvlt!...

Music Videos

 The single, taken from the band's upcoming Prosthetic Records debut  Slave To The Sword, is currently being offered as a limited edition 7" vinyl...

METAL Injection

Five years between albums is a long time but when you've got a hundred other side projects that's just the way shit rolls. And...

Weekly Injection

Every blue moon, we in the metal community get hit with a fuckton of great releases. It's amazing, but sadly looks like this will...


Halloween's coming, and you know what that means- it's time to listen to that timeless punk-rock institution, The Misfits! 

Open Metacast

Welcome to the third Halloween Episode of Open Metalcast, where we unleash the strange, the wicked, and the bizarre to thrill, excite, and scare...

Latest News

It's no secret that the French authorities think that Varg Vikernes, the guy who founded Burzum and killed Mayhem guitarist Euronymous, is a loose...


Touché Amoré is a progressive/melodic hardcore band hailing out of Los Angeles, best known for their excellent song structure and heartfelt lyricism that is...


If you're anything like me, you know that autumn is basically the best time of year. The leaves change into awesome colors, there's literally...


When your last album was both an underrated sleeper and a frequent inclusion on Best of 2011 lists, expectations are understandably high for your follow up....

Upcoming Releases

Lamb of God's sophmore album, As The Palaces Burn holds a very special place in my heart. It makes my heart feel much older...


If you're a big fan of Devin Townsend poop jokes and teasers of an album that we've all been absolutely dying to hear (that...

Open Metacast

In my never-ending quest to put things off until the very last minute (a habit carefully honed over the mumble mumble years of my...


That is officially the most ridiculous headline I've ever written.

Upcoming Releases

Goddamn, 2013 will not stop with the kvlt. Not only are we getting an awesome Deicide tour this fall, but the death metal legends...


With an opening on “Threshold Gateway” of crackling fire and the sound of wind blowing, and an interlude of an organ, Wolvserpent sets off...


Megadeth frontman Dave Mustaine's daughter Electra (yes, Dave named his daughter Electra and his son Justis) appeared on a TV show recently performing one...


After two EPs Atlanta, GA's Dead in the Dirt has unleashed their first proper full length on Southern Lord Records. The band has already...

Show Recap

Almost missed this one. Summer Slaughter hadn't rolled through Austin since 2010, and I was under the impression this year was no different (looks like the...


It's been about four years since we were given Mammoth Grinder's Extinction of Humanity. And four years between albums is a long, long time...

Latest News

Varg Vikernes is more famous for his murders than his music. While Burzum gained much noterity, it was his church burnings and 1993 murder...

Upcoming Releases

Ready to get introduced to one of your new favorite bands? Caricature have been killing it to a smaller audience for a while now...

Shocking Revelations

Black Sabbath is riding the wave of success as their album, 13 debuted at #1 in many countries, including US and UK and this...