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"Sometimes, if it's shockingly simple, and barely moving at all, but I can hum it, that's what matters because it's memorable."
Hi, what are you looking for?
"If that's the epitome of success in a rock band, it just seemed unrewarding."
It appears he's been murder.
"If the guys send up the bat signal in a time of crisis, I'll be there."
His reasoning makes perfect sense.
"We've done a handful of writing trips kind of around the world.”"
"Sometimes, if it's shockingly simple, and barely moving at all, but I can hum it, that's what matters because it's memorable."
“There's always creative juices flowing. We're creative people.”
Plus Quicksand, Ho99o9, Zulu, Brutus, and more.
"I think they have the right man for the job with Robert. Robert's fucking great; he's amazing."
“We've been throwing around demo ideas and writing on the road.”
Sol Invicto, the project formed by producer and guitarist Richie Londres, Stephen Carpenter (Deftones), and Eric Bobo (Cypress Hill), is now streaming their debut EP Loosely Aware and it's...
Kicking off on March 20.