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Search results for "instruments"


Legendary British heavy metallers Angel Witch have risen from the grave (once again) with their first studio album since 1998’s Resurrection. This new album,...

Latest News

Every year, the Revolver Golden Gods Awards ends up being the biggest party of the year when it comes to metal. We always run...


Taking his adage if not necessarily his credo from Emiliano Zapata, Matthew Widener (Cretin, Citizen) launches a new one man project in Liberteer, the flagship...

Latest News

In conjunction with Revolver's Golden Gods metal award ceremony, the GRAMMY Museum has announced that it will be adding a special exhibit dedicated to...


Hoo boy, the current drummer of Californian death metal band Decrepit Birth really knows how to shred! According to the man himself in the...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica love giving quotes to the press hyping up their upcoming music. Remember when Lars said that Lulu,their collaboration with Lou Reed, would blow...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...


You may or may not have been surprised when Seth Putnam passed away over the summer – hard living had already put him into...


"Filth flarrin' flarrin' filth!"  Eddie Murphy was channeling a repulsed Bill Cosby when he uttered those words on 1987's Raw, but he might as...


Cynic has always been a band known for defying the confines of any particular genre. Their classic, 1993 debut Focus remains unrivaled by most...


Hardcore in its myriad forms is outside of my comfort zone.  It's funny, then, that I should be so comfortable with the music of...


I would be willing to bet that the early Norwegian black metal bands didn’t anticipate their style of music to actually last for a...


A little media trick for all you metal fans. It used to be fairly common practice for musicians to have live performances overdubbed with...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...


Recently, while cleaning my house, blasting Rust in Peace and playing air guitar with the vacuum cleaner hose, I began to ponder metal's rejuvenating...


Flourishing don't play by anyone's rules.  This is often a hallmark of interesting music that isn't ultimately engaging or enduring.  The Sum of All...

Latest News

This past January, Meshuggah frontman Jens Kidman and drummer Tomas Haake took part in an online chat with fans and said that they have...

Show Recap

Metal Injection sent roving reporter Chloe Scannapieco to Sonisphere UK last weekend, and she came back full of great memories of seeing Metallica, Slayer,...

Breakups & Shakeups

Well this is sort of a bummer, bassist extraordinaire Jeroen Paul Thesseling has announced his departure from technical heavyweights Obscura. Thesseling cites scheduling conflicts...

It's Just Business

Mutiny Within were living the dream, or so we thought. The band got picked up by Roadrunner, were signed and then placed on a...


I've always thought of Krallice's music as a duel, envisioning the guitars feinting, parrying and maneuvering in abstract aural dimensions at ludicrous speed. About...

Upcoming Releases

Evan Brewer is not just the new bassist of The Faceless, he's also a pretty skilled musician, one who we've fawned over in the...


Swiss folk metallers Eluveitie just finished up their North American tour with 3 Inches of Blood, Holy Grail, and System Divide.  Having been a...