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Search results for "single"


Would Valley of Smoke continue down the same path the band had been carving out for themselves since their inception, or delve into new...


by James Zalucky Before saying anything else, I'll admit that I wasn't expecting very much from this album. I never really liked MONSTER MAGNET,...


The weekend is upon us and we get you started right with some sweet new tunes… Alice In Chains are big on trying out...

Breakups & Shakeups

Talk about out of nowhere. A few months after just opening for Iron Maiden, perhaps the highlight of their career, Dream Theater drummer Mike...


The Labor Day weekend is upon us. And you might want some new tunes to go along with all the grilling you will be...


by James Zalucky "Thrilling". "Remarkable". "Brilliant." These are the words that nearly every reviewer has been using to describe the new Iron Maiden album,...


Today is a big day for us here at the Metal Injection studios. We are proud to announce that our videos are now compatible...

Marketing Genius

Oh, the Japanese…what will they think of next? I think we can all agree that the apex of rock stardom for guitarists comes when...

Upcoming Releases

by James Zalucky So I was checking my inbox this morning and found an email from the Soundgarden fan-club site. The email announced the...


by James Zalucky When it comes to THE ACACIA STRAIN, I usually enjoy their music live rather than on record. Vincent Bennett's brutalizing growls...


By Ben Apatoff The title (Collisions and Castaways) and cover art (a treasure chest washed upon the shore) of Alaskans 36 CRAZYFISTS' sixth album...

Ask Me...I'm Right

Instead of practicing with his band, The Red Chord for their upcoming co-headlining spot on Summer Slaughter, bassist Greg Weeks checked in answering a...


In short- the album is great, go buy it, and go see the band live as soon as you can.


Monday's over and we have some tunes to get you through the week… Soilwork have posted what will be their first official single off...

Bummer Alert

Stone Sour are on the European festival circuit right now and doing some interviews. Guitarist Jim Root, who is also obviously the guitarist of...


First up, we finally get a taste of what Mastodon's contributions to the Jonah Hex score are. Sterogum premiered a track titled "Indian Theme"....


The weekend is finally here! Here are some new tunes to hold you over until Monday: You can't go wrong starting with a little...


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann “Cry for help.” A single drum sounds, echoing into nothingness. Time after time it comes, foreshadowing the dark and depraved...


Stone Sour have posted the first single, "Mission Statement" off their upcoming release, Audio Secrecy up for free download (for 48 hours) on their...

Free Swag

This may be one of my favorite giveaways ever all in the name of Lamb of God's release of their career retrospective, Hourglass (full...

Go See This Fucking Band

by: Frank Godla This past Wednesday night I was faced with a dilemma that surprisingly doesn't happen often: two great shows in the same...


So much new music is coming out, it's becoming incredibly difficult to keep up with everything! Here is what's been released today: Danzig might...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few hours ago, ISIS announced that after their next run of dates with the Melvins, they will cease to exist as a band....