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I like to think that my current themes of humorous raw black metal reviews are going over well, but for all I know, everybody...


The only thing I’d ever heard about MONDO GENERATOR before I got this album in the mail is that they were on Ozzfest, and...

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> HOPESFALL will have their 2001 EP, “No Wings To Speak Of” released on 10″ vinyl via One Day Savior Recordings in October. >...


In a strange turn of events, the only one man black metal band I ever sent an e-mail to (who shall currently remain not...


I’ll put it bluntly – NILE is one of my favorite bands. If I had a chance to review “Annihilation Of The Wicked” when...


I had no idea what to expect from this album when I first saw it. I looked at the front cover and saw a...


The first thing I have to say is what the hell happened to CRIONICS?! And it’s a damn good what the hell! The last...

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> It’s official, DOWN have set “III – Over The Under” as the title to their next album, due out on the Independent Label...


Every time I kept on playing this, I thought it sounded like a soundtrack to something, but I couldn’t think of what. Then it...


> DOWN THE DRAIN have set September 18th as the release date for “Dying Inside“, through Arctic Music Group. You can hear some audio...


> PRIMORDIAL have stated some vocals still need to be recorded, then mixed and mastered for their upcoming album which has not yet been...


I thought the days of SUFFOCATION cloning were done! In all fairness though, there’s a very good reason why SUFFOCATION was ripped off more...

Tour Dates

Billboard.com reports: Sources say a Hollywood press conference in one week will announce a 50-date American arena tour by VAN HALEN to begin in...

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Miami, Florida-based hard rock band BLACK TIDE (formerly RADIO) were set to replace CIRCUS DIABLO on Ozzfest, but that looks like it isn't happening...


There’s something that can be great about bands that have very few members. The route to what the artist’s interpretation can be easily portrayed....


> Doom band ZOROASTER have completed working on their next full-length album, “Dog Magic”. The album is due out September 11th through Terminal Doom/Battle...

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> MEGADETH will be releasing their "That One Night: Live In Buenos Aires" as a live double audio CD on September 04th. The effort...

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> Spanish experimental/progressive band NAHEMAH have announced Quino Jimenez as their new official drummer to replace Jose Diego, who left earlier in the year....


> CENTURY are in the process of completing their upcoming album, “Black Ocean”. You can view the artwork for the cover at this location....


When I was out grabbing information for Zatokrev, I had read a few places described them as a doom/death version of Neurosis. The double...

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> SHAI HULUD are aiming for a release in early 2008 through Metal Blade for the upcoming album with the working title of “Misanthropy...


What a fitting band name. Not because Droid is one of those super-technical bands that play like they’re inhuman, but the double bass drums...


Judging from crowd reactions, "Upper Decker," from 2005's Clients, is easily the best thing The Red Chord have ever written.  While the Boston band...