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Search results for "motorhead"

Free Swag

We still can't believe Motorhead got away with calling their cruise Motorboat. The thrash-heavy voyage kicks off off September 22nd for four days of...

Tweet Roundup

Dimebag Darrell would've been 48 years old today.


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...

The FiX

Tony Foresta picks some of his favorite videos including Suicidal Tendencies, Unsane, Dinosaur Jr., Wax, Motorhead, Circle Jerks and Shitfucker


Nachtmystium has returned for one final album, and Blake Judd and pals are feeling evil, weird, and a little groovy as per usual.

Bummer Alert

Rest in power.

Latest News

Boston, NYC, Toronto, Cali – get in here!

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to TacoGrinder who had the best zinger: “The shot came from the grassy mole.” Now for this...

Latest News

This week flew by for me, and there were some juicy stories along the way. Here are the top 10 most popular posts of...

Tour Dates

A lot of awesome bands are playing Motorhead's inaugural cruise.

Earnings & Attendance

Also earnings for Queens of the Stone Age, Killswitch Engage, Ghost and more


So much face-ripping metal in one track!

Metal Injection Exclusives

Kirk touches on his 25 years in the business, how he writes a Crowbar song, his lack of regrets and more

Upcoming Releases

Maybe you haven't heard of Midnight because you're too busy listening to boring bands like Whitechapel and Black Label Society; well, now's the time to rectify that situation

Bummer Alert

Could the sun be setting on the longest sabbath? Tony Iommi seems to think so.

Bands and Booze

Dave Mustaine's little Danish friend is the new spokesperson for two separate beer companies.

Weekly Injection

Here's that week I've been holing out for. Lots of good stuff this week. This edition includes some comedy metal, varying degrees of death...


I mean, NAILS IT!


Metallica CRUSH these classic Rainbow tracks: “A Light in the Black,” “Tarot Woman,” “Stargazer” and “Kill the King.”