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Search results for "TYR"

Shocking Revelations

The new band has a singer secured and record labels interested.

Best of 2014

Picking these releases has been difficult. There's been a lot of good stuff that came out in 2014, perhaps even more so than last...

Best of 2014

What more is there to say outside of "I really liked these albums"?


Those that grew up in the early 2000s probably already know who The Banner is. The goth/hardcore-punk/metal tyrants bolstered a heavy fixation on horror...

Gear Gods

30 songs in 60 seconds? That's an average of two seconds per song! Can he fit riffs from Metallica, Black Sabbath, AC/DC, Pantera and...


Ne Obliviscaris are a rising force in the progressive music scene.


This is heavy metal for metalheads. If you ever find yourself complaining about the state of heavy music, this album will shut you up...

At The Movies

Like… for real!

Weekly Injection

It's officially peanut butter trees season. Pardon me while I get fat. This edition includes tech, atmosphere, dissonance, and more! To the metals…

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With Odin by Cage's Side.

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The ultimate buyer's guide for heavy metal fans shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for a loved one!


Perhaps there’s no greater love letter to our sweaty, hedonistic subculture than the heavy metal cover song. Metal kids grow up playing along to...

Weekly Injection

Morning y'all. This week's edition features Bloodbath and some other stuff. To the metals…

RIP a Livecast

This week, our friend Greg joined the episode. We began by talking about Steve Harvey's new dating social network, Delightful.com. We segued from that...


Those in the know still get a perverse kick in being able to thrust this band upon the unsuspecting.


So this is what Tommy Vext and Tim Yeung were up to.

Shocking Revelations

Weston Cage, the son of Nicolas Cage, who got his father into Darkthrone seems like a very interesting figure. I briefly met him and...


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...

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The Drape's back on the occult black metal attack!


1349 is a perplexing creature among the fork-tongued legions of Satan's choirs. Some folks will tell you they are mind-bending visionaries, while others will...