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Search results for "megadeth"

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Oh look, a Megadeth story that revolves around music for a change! When Dave Mustaine isn't busy spreading Obama conspiracy theories, he's actually quite...

Around the Interwebs

Oh look, a Megadeth story not about something silly that came out of Dave Mustaine's mouth. Who doesn't love LEGOs, especially when they're playing a...

Upcoming Releases

Finally a story about Dave Mustaine that wouldn't fit in our "Mustaine Mania" category. While we've known that Megadeth have been writing new material...


It's Friday bitches! Before we break out for the day, we thought we'd do one final roundup for the week of all the new...

Bummer Alert

Last week, I posted a Craigslist ad in which some woman was searching for her long lost baby's daddy whom she met at Gigantour's stop in...


In one of the funnier things I have read this week, some chick recently attended the Gigantour date in Chicago and ended up getting...

Latest News

Yes!  At long last Dave Mustaine’s early days of drugs, partying, and violence will be released in a photolog by veteran photographer Bill Hale....

Tour Dates

Talk about an odd couple… Rob Zombie and Megadeth are going to be touring together this spring. Zombie will be closing out all the...


I always enjoy metal bands attempting acoustic covers of their own songs. It can either be really cool or sort of terrible. Luckily for...


I want to send a huge thanks to Youtube user evaldopalestra2 who was kind enough to upload video rips of pro-shot footage from the SWU Music...


Think of the new Megadeth album like this: take Endgame and add a large dose of Youthanasia and Countdown to Extinction, then mix it...

Tour Dates

A few weeks ago Dave Mustaine revealed that the line-up for the 2012 iteration of Gigantour will feature Megadeth, Motorhead, Volbeat and Lacuna Coil....


"Black Swan" is now our fourth taste of Megadeth's upcoming release, TH1RT3EN, and yet another winner. The chorus is infection, the riffs are solid,...


Another new track from Megadeth's upcoming release, TH1RT3EN premiered on Full Metal Jackie's nationally syndicated radio show over the weekend. The track is called...

Latest News

Dave Mustaine already blew the lid on this earlier this month, but it is officially confirmed now. Motörhead, Volbeat, and Lacuna Coil will join...


Today seems to be a good day to put out new music, as Megadeth have released their second single off the terribly named TH1RT3EN....


The weekend is almost upon us, and what better way to kick it off then with a bunch of new tunes. So I'll save...


More information — cover artwork and track listing to be specific — has been revealed about the upcoming Megadeth release, titled TH1RT3EN. The album's theme is...

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Megadeth drummer Shawn Drover will be at Seminole Music, in Seminole, Florida, on September 8, 2011 to host a free drum clinic, presented by...


Looks like Heavy TO, Toronto's big metal festival was quite the bit of fun. A ton of pro-shot, soundboard audio'd footage has surfaced online...

Free Swag

Being the huge Megadeth fans we are here at Metal Injection, we just had to commemorate the 25th anniversary release of Peace Sells.. But...

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Dave Mustaine must really love video games. Either that, or he just knows where the money is. Megadeth were one of the earliest bands...

Tour Dates

Rockstar Mayhem Fest has inched it's way to becoming the biggest traveling metal festival of the summer in the United States and this year's...