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Weekly Injection

This edition contains Canadian thrash perfection, desert rock royalty, and more! To the metals…


All proceeds will be donated to American Civil Liberties Union and Planned Parenthood.

Best of 2016

I think it goes without saying that 2016 was a shitty year for the music world, not to mention the world in general. Lemmy...

Tour Dates

It's festival announcement season. There are three big ones being announced today. Kicking things off is Fort Rock Fest, happening Saturday, April 29 & Sunday,...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to the slow season! This week still includes some good stuff full of atmosphere, doom, weirdness, and more! To the metals…

The Obituarist

Howdy Halloweeners, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here with another round of sick ghoulish extreme metal to keep you screaming this holiday.

Weekly Injection

This edition goes out to everyone that complains I don't talk about heavy bands. Our final Weekly Injection of October includes some sludge, blackened...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some doom, some madness, some nostalgia, and more. To the metals...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes New Meshuggah, and other stuff you probably don't care about. To the metals...

Bummer Alert

Original guitarist Brodie Wheeler has passed on.

Weekly Injection

This week is slower than it has been or will be fore a while. This edition includes some killer, some filler, and more! To...


A solid homage to early metalcore, but ultimately leaves much to be desired.


Adam Biggs and Brody Uttley talk the talk on technical death metal and their next album...

Bummer Alert

The specifics of his injuries are unknown, but he is currently unconscious.

Latest News

Obituary and beer (in hotter than hell Florida).

Tour Dates

Meshuggah tour dates in North America & Europe this Fall? Yes, please!