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Search results for "Prison"


We're in (not so) sunny LA for the Golden Gods Awards, so we've been a little behind on all the new music and video...


Crossover thrash is a genre that can be traced back to Join The Army era Suicidal Tendencies and the very obviously titled Crossover by party...

Shocking Revelations

Nick Oliveri has been in the news quite a bit, most notably with that whole altercation with the SWAT team over a domestic dispute....


Well it looks like the other shoe has dropped for Kyuss Lives! If dealing with a bassist who might be arraigned for 15 years...


Remember last summer, when former Queens of The Stone Age bassist and current KYUSS Lives! bassist Nick Oliveri  was caught in a four hour stand-off with...

Black Metal History

BLACK METAL: to some it's the purest embodiment of uncompromising musical nonconformity, while to others it's the meme that keeps on giving (I predict...


Look at that album cover.  Just look at it.  Unless you're at work, in which case close this browser tab immediately. I'm assuming the...

Best of 2011

I offer these up with one of those typical "in no particular order" disclaimers.  That may seem chickenshit to some, but there are just...

Shocking Revelations

I know this is two Bring Me The Horizon stories in one day, but this one is too good to pass up. Some British...


Hardcore in its myriad forms is outside of my comfort zone.  It's funny, then, that I should be so comfortable with the music of...


On February 5th, 1994, Damien Echols, Jesse Misskelley and Jason Baldwin were convicted of the murders of three young children in the "Robin Hood...

Latest News

Eighteen years ago, three teenagers by the names of Damien Echols, Jason Baldwin, and Jessie Misskelley, Jr. were arrested for allegedly murdering three young...


Burzum's long awaited comeback after 11 years of silence was a quiet one: 2010's Belus was generally well received but in many ways flew...


The rules were made pretty clear this time around: no inquiries about his family, prison or politics, as Varg Vikernes did his best to...

Black Metal History

by  Jeremy Ülrey The headlines of the nation's newspapers scream with the revelations of a sinister plot to slaughter progressive politicians and religious leaders in...

Black Metal History

By Atanamar Sunyata This is the sound of war, insensate misanthropy unleashed, revenge, sorrow, triumph, madness. Weakling is, to me, the apex of American...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

Underground Pitch

by James Zalucky Sometimes it's hard to separate awesome underground bands from crappy ones. Contributor James Zalucky is willing to take one for the...

Latest News

Those Bulgarians sure do love their metal. The mayor city of Kavarna, being a huge metalhead, announced a monument to celebrate Dio erected in...


We sent old-school death metal fan James Zalucky to the NY stop of the Summer Slaughter tour to get an old school fan's perspective...


Above you will find a teaser for the new Behemoth video "Alas The Lord Is Upon Me" off their latest release, Evangelion. The video...


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann “Cry for help.” A single drum sounds, echoing into nothingness. Time after time it comes, foreshadowing the dark and depraved...


Varg Vikernes is a controversial figure. The man who went to prison for infamously murdering his Mayhem bandmate, Euronymous, was released this year and...