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Matching Tags: upcoming releases

Tour Dates

Did someone tell the dudes in MASTODON that they couldn't pull in a crowd unless they brought a few similarly sick bands along with...

Video Games

Above you will find official screen shots of King Diamond and Lemmy from Motorhead as playable characters in the upcoming Guitar Hero: Metallica release....

Latest News

If any of the new songs (such as this one or this one) didn't already convince you that DAATH's new album is going to...

Tour Dates

It can't be easy to open for one of the most notorious live bands in the world and to put up with their bloodthirsty...


Having Presidents Day off makes Tuesday feel like Monday. On the plus side, only a four day work week and I get to see...

Latest News

Appropriately enough for a band that’s been known to defy conventions, THE DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN’s new DVD sounds like it goes beyond the average...

Revelations of Doom

Welcome to the latest installment of Revelations of Doom; I’m Grim Kim (or Kim Kelly, if you prefer), and I’ll be your guide to...

Video Games

Headbangers Blog and Talking Metal teamed up to present the video piece below, which features an interview with one of the makers of the...


Hit the play button above to hear "Worthless," the new track from DAATH's upcoming release The Concealers. In my humble opinion, I think, DAATH...

Latest News

Switzerland's leading folk-metal Pagans ELUVEITIE have unleashed all the details for their upcoming album for Nuclear Blast, Evocation I: The Arcane Dominion. Set for...

Video Games

I have to be honest. I haven't picked up Guitar Hero or Rock Band in months. The only time I even think of dusting...

Video Games

According to a post from video game website, Kotaku, the "Metal God" himself has copyrighted the title of a video game; Metal God.  The...

Monday Wake Up Call

Sorry for being a little late with this week's Monday Wake Up Call. My day job actually gave me work to do (you didn't...

Tour Dates

As we reported a few weeks ago, LAMB OF GOD is heading out on a headlining tour to support their upcoming release Wrath and...

Free Swag

Oh shit, Talk about a sweet giveaway! Thanks to The Faceless, Metal Injection is able to bring you another sick giveaway! We are giving...


Our brosephs at MetalSucks (via Metal Bastard) have alerted us that a bootleg of a MASTODON track called "Divinations" has leaked. The bootleg comes...

Monday Wake Up Call

Why can't New Year's break last another week? I only wish! But, alas there is work to be done, money to be made and...

Latest News

Just getting back in the work groove? Then what the hell are you doing slacking off over here?? Ok, we won't judge. But, in...


California's reigning avant-metal kings ISIS have been performing a new song, entitled "20 Minutes/40 Years" on some European dates. The song, which revels in...

Tour Dates

UPDATE: The full itinerary of tour dates has been announced. Click here to view it Talk about a killer way to kick off 2009!...

Weekly Video Recap

Are you still recovering from your Christmas food coma? Well perhaps we can help you. We have a slew of holiday related metal videos...

Fuck Yes!

Hot on the heels of last week's announcement of the "Best. Tour. Ever!", Gothenburg's THE HAUNTED have organized a show that is sure to...

Fuck Yes!

Oh fuck yes! We're doing this week's Monday Wake Up Call a little early (Sunday night to be precise) because we simply couldn't wait...