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Search results for "Burning"


When death metal began in the 80's, it was fresh and innovative. Fast forward to today and I feel as though tolerance has left...

Upcoming Releases

Body Count, the hardcore band that originated as a side project of rapper and actor Ice T, is set to make its major label...


Ashenspire is an extremely talented group of musicians, but also one who need to work on pulling their sound back down to earth and...


It's refreshing to see Sepultura doubling down on their future at a time when they'd be forgiven for milking the 20th anniversary of their...


It's been two years since a real release from these legends in the making, and we are proud to present Heavy Temple's latest: Chassit.

Tour Dates

Some great news for Eyehategod fans. After a successful liver transplant, Mike IX Williams is returning to front Eyehategod. The band will be performing...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Straight Hate’s Every Scum is a Straight Arrow.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes plenty of weirdness, technicality, and more! To the metals…


For those in the know, Heavy Temple have been one of Philadelphia's strongest doom exports in recent years


There are many underground labels doing incredible work. Here are five (well, technically six) labels that stand out!


I've always found it a tad strange that Nine Inch Nails aren't regularly included in discussions of significant metal bands. While I'd agree that...

Upcoming Releases

He worked with Atticus Ross on the new material.

Best of 2016

Good grief, I can't wait to say bye to this stinky year. Too many deaths, too many tears shed, and too many electoral college...

At The Movies

Yes, those were the actors playing Mayhem in the upcoming Lords of Chaos film.

Music Videos

Metallica hired former Bathory drummer and famed music video director Jonas Åkerlund (who also happens to be directing the upcoming Lords of Chaos film) to create...

Latest News

The Watchers are Ripple Music's latest contribution to the new wave of American heavy rock and by God do they know how to bring...

At The Movies



The Whole of the Law is the sounds of Armageddon. And what incredible timing it has.

Latest News

A389 Records is back baby and Junior Bruce's unique brand of death and roll proves that this label still rules.

Tour Dates

The black metal classic will be played in full!