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One time Metallica and Lou Reed got together and took a whole bunch of laxatives, packaged the end result up, and called it Lulu....

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Metallica played two shows in China, their first shows ever in the country in their 30 year history a few weeks ago. Getting into...

Latest News

Metallica had a busy weekend in New York City, and here's a bit of a recap.

Mustaine Mania

No, he hasn't really toned down his headline-seeking personality so much. But Dave Mustaine has made a very wise decision recently with respect to...

Latest News

Throughout the teaser trailer and the long-form theatrical trailer released this weekend, the one question I've had about Metallica's upcoming 3D movie, Through the Never is...


Yesterday, everybody was impressed with James Hetfield's curated playlist on Spotify and I guess Spotify were so impressed that they asked Lars to contribute...

Heavy Metal Real Estate

I love when a musician's house goes on the market because you can really see how some successful musicians choose to live. Whether it's...

Around the Interwebs

As you know, this Sunday, June 16th is Father's Day. I'll take a beat here while many of you go, "oh fuck! it is!?!"...


If you missed Metallica's Orion festival, we've got you covered. During the first day of the fest, Metallica sprung a surprise set on their...


On the tenth anniversary of the release of Metallica's St. Anger, Rob remembered that I had made some off the cuff remarks that some...

Shocking Revelations

We've had a lot of fun at the expense of Lulu, the collaboration between legendary musician Lou Reed and Metallica, and it was widely...

Metal Injection Exclusives

Metal Injection west coast correspondent Johnny Orlando Jr. was on hand at the Hollywood Palladium to file this report at the Jeff Hanneman memorial.

Latest News

Dimebag Darrell is a legendary, influential guitarist, there is no doubt about it. But why, oh why, would he need a wax statue?

Injection Reflection

There was a lot of big news this week, we heard further (although smaller) developments in the Tim Lambesis trial, Jeff Hanneman's memorial celebration...

Upcoming Releases

We've been cautiously optimistic about the upcoming Metallica 3D theatrical release, Through The Never. We  already know the set list. We know it cost (at least) $20 million...

Bummer Alert

The metal world is still shocked about the news that broke yesterday that Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed away due to liver...


My favorite current meme is Actresses With No Teeth, but why do celebrities have to have all the fun? I decided to delve into...

Around the Interwebs

Look, we're not saying Metallica drummer Lars Ulrich is gay. He's married a few times over, and has had quite the caliber of women....

Upcoming Releases

The promo machine for Metallica's upcoming 20 million dollar 3D movie is about to hit full force. The movie, titled Through The Never is...

Injection Reflection

It's been an eventful week in metal. Randy Blythe was acquitted, we launched our Countdown show, and Howard Jones started a new project. Those...

Fuck Yes!

Rex Brown's memoir, Official Truth, 101 Proof: The Inside Story of Pantera, is set for release on March 12 via Da Capo Press. Nothing...

Tour Dates

Metallica is back for round 2 of it's fully curated festival. It's happening in Detroit at Belle Isle, June 8th and 9th, and today,...

Injection Reflection

Damn it, Slayer. You're not supposed to fight about money, you're f'n Slayer!!!! That was definitely the biggest news of the week, but there...