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Tour Dates

The first dates for JOB FOR A COWBOY’s first headlining tour with A LIFE ONCE LOST, DESPISED ICON and THE FACELESS have been lined...

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IN FLAMES has launched a studio blog, which you can view at their official website. The Official IN FLAMES Website The Official IN FLAMES...

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Bay Area thrashers LIGHT THIS CITY are currently on the road, headlining the Thrash and Burn Tour, alongside labelmates THE FUNERAL PYRE. The bands...

Tour Dates

EXODUS will be headlining a North American tour with GOATWHORE, ARSIS and WARBRINGER in February next year. Here are the dates: February 4 –...

Tour Dates

OBITUARY have a tour lined up with ALABAMA THUNDERPUSSY, FULL BLOWN CHAOS, and HEMLOCK. Here are the dates so far: September 11 – Springfield,...

Tour Dates

Here are the current dates for the SLEEPYTIME GORILLA MUSEUM tour: August 2 – Petaluma CA @ The Phoenix Theater w/ Stolen Babies August...

Tour Dates

Just as stated above, VREID have been added to the European co-headlining tour with UNLEASHED and MARDUK. Here are the dates: Nov. 23 –...

Tour Dates

Meshuggah has an upcoming European tour, with the German dates being played with The Dillinger Escape Plan. Here are the dates: Meshuggah: Jun. 30...

Latest News

NEVERMORE singer Warrel Dane recently stated that his upcoming solo release with ex-SOILWORK guitarist Peter Witchers, and former HIMSA guitarist Matt Wicklund have approximately...

Latest News

We recently told you about an awesome ESP Custom Sword Guitar, but this one just takes the cake! AN AK-47 BASS GUITAR!? Come on,...

Video Games

Here is the last batch of Guitar Hero Encore Rocks the 80s setlist, which includes 30 songs, and, as expected, Activision has more often...

Latest News

DILLINGER ESCAPE PLAN have had one hell of a year. They lost one of their guitarists to an arm injury, their drummer leaves, oh,...


Death metal giants NILE have recently posted a tv spot for their newest release, Ithyphallic. The album is set for a July 17th release date, and...


Every once in a while, an album comes along that gives you goose bumps. 'Ashes of the Wake,' 'Spiritual Black Dimensions,"Annihilation of the Wicked'-...


MADBALL have made the title track to their upcoming album, “Infiltrate The System”, available at their MySpace page. The album is due to be...

Ask Me...I'm Right

That stud machine of a man is me, Greg Weeks, and I'm the bassist of the Red Chord. Want to ask me about my...

Latest News

In a June 18th press release, Norwegian black-metallers MAYHEM announced that they were cancelling upcoming tour dates because of an injury their drummer, Hellhammer,...

Latest News

SLAYER's Kerry King has held many titles: riff master, shredding king, metal god and now, entrepeneur. Many metal fans are familiar with King's business...


NODES OF RANVIER have posted the song “Waljean” at their MySpace page. The song comes from their forthcoming album titled, “Defined By Struggle”, due...

Video Games

In the latest few weeks, it seems like we just can't shutup about the new Rock Band video game. We recently showed you what...


DEVILDRIVER have an e-card here for their upcoming album “The Last Kind Words” due July 31st via Roadrunner Records. STILL REMAINS have made an...

Latest News

NEGATIVA, the Quebec-based band featuring former GORGUTS members Steeve Hurdle (guitar, vocals) and Luc Lemay (guitar, vocals), along with Etienne Gallo (drums, AUGURY) and...

Latest News

 After a performance at the Nova Rock festival in Austria, CLAWFINGER frontman Zak Tell bashes SLAYER in a recently posted press release. An excerpt follows: "Jocke...