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RIP a Livecast

Our friends Jake Bowen and Loni Berman sat in on the show this week. Jake talked about his recently completed tour with Periphery and...

Injection Reflection

The first week of February is in the books and we kicked off Black Metal History Month in a big way. Catch up on...

Upcoming Releases

Unsurprising, but who isn't excited for some new Dream Theater?


The band delivers the goods with their new single.


Veil of Maya have been working on new music for over a year. We've been teased before with short snippets, told of it's forthcoming femininity and...

Tour Dates

We speculate on possible tours this spring based on the Rock on the Range lineup.

RIP a Livecast

We kicked things off this week with an update on the Bill Cosby allegations. After that, we learned of a remix to a speech...


Between Iron Maiden toys, Wayne's World cosplays and Periphery signings, there was plenty of metal going on.


Three sick designs to celebrate the bond between metal and comics.

Bummer Alert

Rest in power.

Tour Dates

The Contortionist are going to be busy this fall. Besides hitting the road with Periphery, the band have announced a string of headlining dates...


Oh, it's gooood!


We're halfway through 2014 already and it's been pretty crazy in terms of good releases so far. Here's some of our favorites!

Latest News

The metal community is killing it this week!


Gearheads, this one's for you!


Limp Bizkit meets Animals As Leaders… it's coming!