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Search results for "halloween"

At The Movies

Taylor shows off his acting chops.

At The Movies

He compares the new film to The Devil's Rejects.

Weekly Injection

Following a slow week, we're being hit with a near over abundance of solid records. In this edition we have tech-death legends, a Human...

Best of 2013

We asked our videographer Frank Huang to let us know what were his favorite shows to shoot live. You can watch all of Frank's...


Take a minute to read that headline again, because I was just as confused as you are I'm sure. I can assure you that...

Latest News

While Stone Sour and Slipknot guitarist Jim Root is taking some time off to work on the new Slipknot record, the two band's frontman...


Last time we saw a Nick Schendzielos bass video he was tearing up his Warwick dressed like a clown. Now the Cephalic Carnage and Job for...


Ohio's gore metal pioneers Necrophagia have a long, storied, and complicated career in the death metal underground. The band has existed in various incarnations for...

Around the Interwebs

We've featured some pretty brutal cakes on Metal Injection before because we recognize your need for fod that can be considered metal. However, this...

Injection Reflection

What a week in metal. We had some big stories like an update on Tim Lambesis, Dying Fetus getting booked on Download Fest because...

Shocking Revelations

Here's one example of why the internet rules. Yesterday, Download Festival announced the first headliners for the 2014 iteration of their mega-fest weekend. The...


Dying Fetus, Exhumed and Abiotic came through NYC over Halloween weekend leading to quite a unique show experience. Some fans decided to dress up,...

Injection Reflection

I'm completely over this week and I'm looking forward to spending the entire weekend doing massive bong rips. How are you spending the weekend?...


KidsInterviewBands.com is a friggin' great idea, and what better time to interview Ghost on the site than around Halloween? A Nameless Ghoul from Ghost...

Latest News

Imagine my surprise logging onto Facebook last night and seeing a message from King Diamond in my news feed inviting me to add the...


Through all the drama between Deicide and Broken Hope recently (and Deicide frontman Glen Benton being a generally good dude about it all), it's...

Around the Interwebs

Happy Halloween! Last night, we asked you, the Metal Injection junkies to submit your metal pumpkin carvings on our Facebook page and you guys...

Music Videos

The perfect video to premiere on Halloween, Australia's PORTAL released this new video for "Curtain" directed by Zev Dea off the album Vexovoid, available here. The concept for the...


When he's not collaborating with Avril Lavigne or guest-starring on Eastbound & Down and whatever this is, Marilyn Manson lends his talents to Funny...


There’s only a few more days ‘til Halloween, and, for many metalheads, this is the time of year when custom horror movie marathons are...


Is it October in an odd-numbered year? Then it's clearly time for another Skeletonwitch record, right? Ignoring 2004's At One With the Shadows – an easy...

At The Movies

Metal and horror go together like chocolate and peanut butter.  They both represent the alluring countercultures of their entertainment niches, and, for whatever reason,...


When a band gathers an audience from their inception, expectations get skewed in an unfair way. A hit song can be a blessing in...