Music Videos
Shut up, they're sleeping.
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Cannibal Corpse and vocalist Chris Barnes split in 1995 during the recording for an album then-called Created To Kill. Barnes was replaced by Monstrosity...
"This is a level of incompetence that I've never witnessed before."
There was a clear-cut winner.
"That song just resonates with people. It's so heavy, it's so impactful."
"I hear the heaviest version of ourselves poking its head out again."
Shut up, they're sleeping.
A thrash attack if there ever was one.
We wish Wysocki's friends and family all the best at this time.
Neither rain nor pyro incidents could stop the second day from rocking hard
"Haven't heard Bruce Dickinson's new album, but I have a friend who told me it's better than Iron Maiden."
It's not a classic track.
"I had Megadeth posters on my wall when I was growing up."