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It's been three years since Kvelertak dropped Meir!

Funeral Doom Friday

Get to know this Oakland quartet and their highly anticipated sophomore album ahead of its January 15th release!

Music Videos

JusticemakerMusic has gotten to evolution of the riff, in a pretty basic way, down to a science. Watch as he walks you through a...

Shocking Revelations

The Guns N Roses frontman only knows one confirmation that needs to be made.

Full Album Stream

There's not a lot of quality material coming out this time of year so don't fuck around and sleep on this. We're serving it...

Bummer Alert

"Thank you for standing with us when we cannot stand on our own."

Shocking Revelations

The story is still deceloping.


A few weeks ago, Abbath and his new solo band were in the UK playing some shows and the folks at Metal Hammer magazine took...

Oh, Danzig

Update: Shortly after this story was published, we received an eyewitness account of the entire event. Read the ugly details of the altercation here....


It's a slow mover, but it's like getting punched in the face anyway.

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People of Rome! Your band has returned!

Around the Interwebs

A lesson in trolling by Rob Zombie

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The band showed up at Summer Slaughter to clear things up.

Weekly Injection

As you're reading this, I'm an a lengthy journey across all of California. If you see an exhausted tiny bearded man in a Honda,...

Full Album Stream

Krallice is not the type of band you play when your friend with only a passing knowledge of hard rock asks you to play...

Music Videos

"So let's just see who's more effective at killing."