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Here's THE OCEAN's Breathtaking Half Of An Upcoming Split With MONO

12-minutes of pure kick ass music!

12-minutes of pure kick ass music!

The Ocean and Mono will be releasing a split titled Transcendental on October 23 and everyone's been pretty keen on what this will sound like. Both bands are known for making very intricate, moving music, so the two together should be amazing! Fortunately The Ocean is holding up its end of that bargain with its half via brand new song titled "The Quiet Observer" which premiered through MetalSucks.

The track is the first time we get to hear newcomers drummer Paul Seidel and guitarist Damian Murdoch in action, as well as sees the return of cellist Dalai Theofilopoulou and pianist Vincent Membrez who played on Pelagial. Check it out and try not to get lost!

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