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Search results for "halloween"

Mashups & Covers

It's like music in a horror flick right before everything gets really terrible.

Upcoming Releases

"I would say starting around New Year's with writing songs and stuff. That's the only thing I can say. And there will be a...

Weekly Injection

This editions features several long-awaited returns, gore, politics, and more! To the metals...

Today I Learned

Seeing ghosts in castle dungeons made Sabbath Bloody Sabbath possible.

New Music

Ron Burgandy would be proud.

RIP a Livecast

We kick things off with Rob and Noa talking about their adventures at the Queens of the Stone Age concert. Noa discusses what she...

Music Videos

It's Halloween, therefore it's time for some Danny Elfman.

Injection Reflection

Its Halloween weekend. We'll have some fun Halloween posts up this weekend, so be on the lookout. For now, here's what you missed this...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes music that pisses my cat off, a progressive masterpiece, lots of feedback, and more! To the metals...

Metal In The Mainstream

Corey Taylor could not be reached for comment.

Full Album Stream

It's everything you love about modern doom, but some seriously disgusting vocals.

Injection Reflection

Halloween is itching closer and closer. Here's what you missed this week. Dee Snider Calls Out Celebrities Wearing Metal Shirts: "Metal Is Not Ironic....

At The Movies

Dave's voice acting is good?

Video Games

The inspiration for the characters taken from various album covers, of course.


With Death Revenge, Exhumed have crafted a fun, worthwhile listen, especially with Halloween just around the corner. I'm especially impressed with the historical inspiration,...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Injection Reflection

…and September is over. 10 Terrible Metal Albums By 10 Brilliant Metal Bands Dude Dresses Up Like IT's Pennywise, Covers SLIPKNOT's "The Devil In...

New Music

Tower are back with a wild cover of a classic. Also we have tour dates. You KNOW you want tour dates!