Hi, what are you looking for?
"At this time, I will be taking down the scheduled touring this year until quarter 4 to focus on my health."
This is not a good look for Steffen.
"We were discussing setlist and all the effects and everything — but he decided to go at that moment and he left."
"Every claim that this puto has made can be attributed to personal gain."
"Did a bunch of tests, everything was clear."
It sounded great, obviously.
Gonna kiss your fuckin' face tonight.
"Every member of 200 Stab Wounds brings heavy excellence to this album, and fans of the style should be thoroughly satisfied."
“I’ve carried my bass playing on to a ridiculous degree.”
As if that wasn't obvious.
"Another win for Alcest, Les chants de l'aurore might be on the best album of the year lists for 2024."