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On their thirteenth studio album Meditations, Canadian death metal veterans Kataklysm bring the melody and the aggression. Is the songwriting quality enough to make...


Ghost pulls it off, with a few missteps.

Upcoming Releases

"We’re looking at that model of putting things out there more. We put a single out a few months ago."

Shocking Revelations

"The intent was that no one would ever do it. Because that’s the whole thing: you don't want this brand."


When former Witch Mountain vocalist, Uta Plotkin announced her departure from the band back in 2014, the belief was that the Portland veterans were...

Tour Dates

Plus two dates with Red Fang!


The British progressive metal quintet delves into the creation of Sonder, the touring life, our culture's increasing lack of empathy, and much more.

It's Just Business

NYC councilman Justin Brannan has had enough.

Music Videos

Burn The Priest has just released a brand new music video for "Kerosene", from their upcoming covers album, Legion XX, available tomorrow. The track...


Jaw dropping, gorgeous, dynamic - these are just some of the words that can be used to describe the poetic magic of Grayceon.


Sad But True – Plagiarism in Heavy Metal Art has quickly become one of my regular stops while browsing around for recent doings and...

Upcoming Releases

He's also getting bassist Michael Hedlund involved in the writing process.

Latest News

The fan responded, and he's alright! Broken ribs and a bruised head, but alright.

Show Recap

TesseracT, Plini, and Astronoid progged all over Berkeley.


Masters of gorship, Impending Doom discuss their first album in five years The Sin and Doom Vol. II.

Kids In Metal

A great charity event for a great cause, helping fund children's medical care.