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Search results for "halloween"

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How do you like your doom? New England's Black Tomb delivers it through a sludge-driven, nihilistic lens. There's also Florida's Crud, who channels a filthy death-doom...

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The two, vile death metal projects join forces for some of the filthiest death metal this year.


No rooms tell you what Corey Taylor thinks though.

From the upcoming series Eli Roth's History of Horror on AMC.


Corey Taylor says the touring idea is still in its infancy and may not be a yearly thing.

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Plus a re-release of their 1999 debut record.

Tour Dates

All hell is, once again about to, break lose

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'Jesus, Corey, take a break. Gimmie some love man.'


Mommy, can I go out and watch Misfits tonight?


Ámr is easily one of Ihsahn’s most focused, dynamic, and overall impressive sequences to date.


With a history that spans just over three decades, the glacial caverns of Nordic extremity run deep. This week, we've plunged the deepest we've...


Ministry's longevity and commitment to politically driven industrial music is absolutely impressive. Founder and mastermind Al Jourgenson is as wild onstage as he was...

Upcoming Releases

He's going to track in a few weeks after they finish up the DVD.

Metal Merch

It's not terrible looking.

Upcoming Releases

It comes with a mask, all digital downloads, a turntable mat, and more!

The Obituarist

Hello freaks and geeks. It is I, The Obituarist; your favorite rain man hunter of all things underground! After a long and once indefinite...

Upcoming Releases

It features a guest solo from Opeth's Fredrik Åkesson!

br00tal Comedy

Looks like SlayerBob has some competition. For years, Bob has been producing pretty awesome Christmas light shows, but his place atop the Christmas lightshow...