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Search results for "Soundscape"

Fuck Yes!

When you create something this fucking awesome, you have to give yourself some time to prepare. That is why details have been announced seven...

Music Videos

Deep, intelligent and forward thinking, UNEVEN STRUCTURE are set to release their debut album FEBRUUS on October 31st via Basick Records. The release is...

Shocking Revelations

The Dillinger Escape Plan are gearing up to put out a new record this Spring, and in anticipation of the release, frontman Greg Puciato...


Well, it's that time of year again, and as a student I can say that the month of December is nothing short of hell...


The moment is finally here; the Time is now (hur-hur). I suppose the default question must be: "does it meet expectations?" But could anything,...


Now, I’ll admit that polka-influenced folk metal isn’t for everyone. Complaints about the genre vary, ranging from derision of the unmetal instruments and arrangements,...

Upcoming Releases

Solid releases all around this week, so let's get right into it: we'll take a look at highly anticipated albums from Baroness and The...


Al Cisneros of stoner titans Sleep and Emil Amos have created a sonic masterpiece with Advaitic Songs.  Om don’t really seem to fit into...

Upcoming Releases

It's a huge week for metal, so I'll spare you the cute introduction and get right to it. Without further ado, let's take a...

Upcoming Releases

This memorial day weekend was filled with BBQ and beer and fake patriotism, so in his infinite wisdom Uncle Sam decided not to give...


I often associate death/doom with waiting, persevering for that perfect riff, enduring the dirge for that most heart-rending of melodies. My ears don't deal...


Animals as Leaders have slowly been building momentum since the release of their self-titled debut album in 2009. Just two years later Tosin Abasi...


"Evinta. A project almost 15 years in the making. An idea that has sat smoldering and never really had a reason to burn alive...

Latest News

Enslaved devotees tend to celebrate the band's entire catalog; I'm no exception to this axiom.  An Enslaved album is something to digest over the...

Latest News

For the first time in history, the entire "Big 4," Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth are sharing the same bill. The bands have shared...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...


SPYLACOPA began as an obscure ambient-electronic side-project for Brooklyn-based CANDIRIA guitarist John LaMaccia, but after accruing a band of notables – namely Greg Puciato...

Latest News

The long-running, innovative, and influential hardcore band CIRCLE TAKES THE SQUARE is currently in the studio to record the followup to their 2004 album...


Ou·tré [oo-trey] –adjective: passing the bounds of what is usual or considered proper; unconventional; bizarre. For being supposedly extreme, death metal has become quite...


Despite biting by hordes of metalcore imitators, Gothenburg-style melodic death metal is alive and well. On Stuck Here on Snakes Way, Finland's Omnium Gatherum...


New England has produced some, actually most of, the better Metal acts to date. Bands such as Blood Has Been Shed, Unearth, Killswitch Engage,...