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On The Parallax: Hypersleep Dialogues, Between the Buried and Me unleashes a flurry of genre-blending forms and influences to craft an enjoyable, entertaining listen....


In “The Haunter of the Dark,” H. P. Lovecraft describes a man transfixed by a decrepit, abandoned church.  “Desolation and decay hung like a...


Swiss folk metallers Eluveitie just finished up their North American tour with 3 Inches of Blood, Holy Grail, and System Divide.  Having been a...

Tour Dates

Converge released like the greatest album ever in 2008, with Axe To Fall, and they are apparently on their way to writing a new...


The best music often renders genre-labels impotent.  Drugs of Faith certainly grind, but they also fucking rock.  This is a band doing exactly what...


Metal used to be a boy’s club… pioneered by sweaty, shirtless dudes in leather pants blasting out the world’s loudest and heaviest incarnation of...

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One of my favorite bands, Gojira have posted a note on their Facebook page stating they are putting the finishing touches on live DVD....

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When we last checked in with the King in December, he had just underwent triple bypass heart surgery. Well, looks like things are looking...

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by James Zalucky From the streets of one of Metal's most legendary cities, a young band has begun to perk-up the ears of the...


For today's audio roundup, we have a buffet of differently styled metal for your approval. We have something for fans of grind, death, core...

Tour Diary

The Human Abstract is currently on the road with The Atticus Metal tour. Guitarist A.J Minette will be checking in frequently with updates from...

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Trent Reznor had a pretty good week last week. He won an Oscar and got to meet Batman and apparently, he is now in...

Fuck Yes!

Stop what you are doing. Turn off any sounds your computer may be making. Press Play below. Is your mind blown yet? If so,...

Black Metal History

by  Jeremy Ülrey The headlines of the nation's newspapers scream with the revelations of a sinister plot to slaughter progressive politicians and religious leaders in...

Black Metal History

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann In the spirit of Black Metal History Month, in this year of our Lord 2011, it's only right that we...

Latest News

We got really excited when we heard Decapitated were entering the studio a few months ago, and now they are in there making new...

70,000 Tons of Metal

Click Here To Watch The Video Have you seen our epic 20 minute video recap of the killer 70,000 Tons of Metal Cruise yet?...

Back in the Day

by: Frank Godla How can we possibly celebrate Black Metal History Month without the band that started it all? Venom was an extreme thrash...

Latest News

By Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann Axl Rosenberg from MetalSucks posted an hilarious article this morning about Metal God Ozzy Osbourne and teenage lesbian icon Justin...


by Jeremy Ülrey Continuing apace the goth-country minimalism he's specialized in since his 2005 reemergence, Dylan Carlson once again saddles up his warhorse and...

Best of 2010

Well, the votes have been tallied (thanks to Cancerscare for that) and the results are in! Here are the top albums of the year...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Latest News

Talk about a sad way to start the week. Over the weekend, news got out that metal legend King Diamond recently underwent triple-bypass heart...