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A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...


I generally try to shy away from direct band comparisons, unless the antecedents were such blatant influences that to ignore them would be to...

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On Tuesday, I trekked out to Farmingdale, Long Island to catch the absolutely amazing Animals As Leaders, Intronaut tour. Animals As Leaders were beyond...

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This past January, Meshuggah frontman Jens Kidman and drummer Tomas Haake took part in an online chat with fans and said that they have...


It's Tuesday morning and I'm hung over. Probably shouldn't have smoked all those blunts last night, huh? Anyway, here is the music getting me...

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Yes! Yes, and Yes Again! After revealing their album art last week, the 'don come back with a pretty titalting album teaser featuring our...

Bummer Alert

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but the T.R.A.M. album is delayed! T.R.A.M. of course features the superhuman musicians Tosin Abasi and...


When you review an album from one of your favorite bands, you're torn in a couple directions. In one sense, your passion for them...


Just a quick administration note: I've been getting some emails from users saying they've tried to register to the site and the site tells...


Update: Junkie SearchAndDestroy rightfully points out that this track is actually off James LaBrie's MullMuzzler album (on which Mike Mangini plays) and the track...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...

It's Just Business

Mutiny Within were living the dream, or so we thought. The band got picked up by Roadrunner, were signed and then placed on a...

Shocking Revelations

Talk about a meeting of the minds. In a collaboration that could either be really great, or really terrible (or just literally the sum...

A View From Behind The Drumkit

A View From Behind The Drumkit is a weekly column written by Darkest Hour drummer Ryan Parrish. Follow along as he scribes down some...


Deconstruction and Ghost have certainly been some of the most anticipated records of the year for me personally, and now the wait is finally...


As I mentioned when interviewing guitarist Buz McGrath, everybody who I've talked to that has heard Unearth's new record had nothing but nice things...

Shocking Revelations

In a shocker to maybe 5 Ozzy fans, it looks like Ozzfest is not happening this year. It barely happened last year, with only...


Melodic metal pioneers IN FLAMES have finished recording their latest album, Sounds of a Playground Fading, and they have just released their 3rd webisode...

Upcoming Releases

Looks like Nachtmystium are in the studio working on a new record. Frontman Blake Judd has been quoted as saying "The new record will...

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Cali Death Metal pioneers, Autopsy, have begun streaming a new song from their forthcoming comback effort, Macabre Eternal, over here at Brooklyn Vegan. The...

Upcoming Releases

A few junkies have recently sent me some emails asking if I had happened to hear anything about this infamous new Necrophagist record that...

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For the first time in history, the entire "Big 4," Metallica, Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth are sharing the same bill. The bands have shared...


Between the Buried and Me have been at the forefront of technical metal ever since they busted out their monster full-length Alaska in 2005. They...