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ANIMALS AS LEADERS New Album and Live DVD on the way!

On Tuesday, I trekked out to Farmingdale, Long Island to catch the absolutely amazing Animals As Leaders, Intronaut tour. Animals As Leaders were beyond amazing. They played for about 45 minutes, and beyond their shredtastic performance, they had some projections with great visualizer-like accompaniment to the music, in the vein of their album art. The most interesting aspect of the show, beyond the new song performance, is that Tosin announced that the band finished a new record, and it will be out in November.

Additionally, the band announced that they were filming for an eventual live DVD. The Faceless guitarist Steve Jones has been on the road with the band, taping performances, getting real up close and personal with the band and the fans. I'm really intrigued to see what comes out of it. For now, we have live bootlegs of the new song. That will have to do.

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