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Injection Reflection

Wow, I am floored that we are done with January already. I was still recovering from NAMM this week, but here is what you...

Metal In The Mainstream

It's a damn peanut commercial.

Metal Crimes

I guess if you're rocking out in your car, make sure to stay within the speed limit.

Injection Reflection

The first week of 2019 is short, but sweet. I was a little distracted with Wrestle Kingdom today. Here's what you missed this week....


We've got a pretty good idea what it is.

At The Movies

Vince Neil spilled the beans

Celebrity Metalheads

Lindsay has great taste in metal, or at least her stylist does.

Upcoming Releases

What could the surprise possibly be? Could they have gotten Vince Neil-replacement John Corabi back for a song? Probably not.

br00tal Comedy

They do find the "OOO WAH AH AH AH" hilarious.

In The Studio

Tommy Lee and Nikki Sixx spotted in the studio with legendary producer Bob Rock.

Injection Reflection

It's WWE SummerSlam weekend. I'll be at Barclay's Center for NXT tomorrow. In the meantime, here's what you missed, with the most trending stories...

br00tal Comedy

Neither am I, elderly people. Neither am I.


One of Tommy's assosiates probably should take away his social media. 


Talk about airing out your dirty laundry

Metal Crimes

It looks like the family is trying to get this entire ordeal behind them and try to move on.

Kids In Metal

These Kids React videos always have a way to make me feel old, seeing how modern day teens feel about the music I grew up...


Once again, Tommy Lee does not provide a convincing argument.

At The Movies

He's not an Englishman, but he'll play one on TV.

Injection Reflection

It's President's Day weekend here in the States, which means a three-day weekend for some, and but not for us. We'll see you on...


Motley Crue might be officially retired, but Tommy Lee is a busy man. Besides a movie being made about his life and career, where...

At The Movies

The Dirt is expected to be released later this year on Netflix