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by: Frank Godla You read that right! In an effort to raise money for the Andre Agassi Foundation for Education, a not for profit...

Free Swag

FUCKING SLLAAAYYYEEERRRRR!!!!!!!! I am very excited to be presenting this giveaway to you junkies. One lucky fan will win Slayer's new vinyl collection featuring...

Back in the Day

by Frank Godla I know right now your probably thinking "Dude, why!?" While I don't have a great explanation to that question, I do...


No excuses! If you have never seen the masterpiece that is Heavy Metal Parking Lot, turn off your phone, tell your mom to leave...


Aw yeah. You can now stream "Sudden Death", the track that Megadeth recorded specifically for the new Guitar Hero game (details here). Listen above...


After weeks of coverage, we have finally completed putting out all of our content from this year's Summer Slaughter tour. In case you missed...

Latest News

Click Here To Watch The Video Everybody jizzed over the big jam at the end of the Big Four show featuring members of Metallica,...

Go See This Fucking Band

Don't you love going to local shows and finding amazing bands? This happened to me over the weekend, when I went to a loft...

Relapse Records Podcast

On the September Edition of the Relapse Records Podcast we wrap up the summer with brand new and exclusive music from Cephalic Carnage, Control...

Free Swag

Click Here To Watch The Video Aww yea! We got another sweet giveaway for you this week. In celebration of the release of Pantera's...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we were joined by iwrestledabearonce guitarist Steven Bradley. Steven called in at the top of the...

Upcoming Releases

If you're lucky, you've caught their reunion shows. If you're web-savvy, you've seen the badass artwork for their upcoming album. And if you're a...


Last night, the first leg of the US American Carnage tour wrapped up at the Cow Palace in San Fransisco, and it seemed to...

Latest News

Issuing his first statements since the announcement that he has leukemia, Behemoth frontman Nergal had a lot to say. First off, he thanked all...

Latest News

As we wrote about yesterday, Behemoth frontman Nergal has been diagnosed with leukemia and is in dire need of a bone marrow transplant. A...

Upcoming Releases

By Nina Saeidi Children of Bodom have announced they are entering the Finnish depths of Petrax Studio's to begin recording their seventh studio album....

Around the Interwebs

A very good question to ask before getting a tattoo, don't you think?

Show Recap

Yesterday, Frank, myself and his sister Cindy (who was helping us out shooting photos) trekked out to Holmdel, NJ to check out the local...

Attention, Stoners:

Woah man! Here's a disc that will only further confuse you on your quest to end the munchies. Meet James Perry, a creative lad...

Latest News

Looks like Slipknot may continue after all. At the Revolver Golden Gods Awards a few months ago, we had the chance to speak to...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition of the RIP a Livecast, we are joined by Vince Neilstein and Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks. We started the show taking...

Latest News

When we were told we could get a few minutes with Danzig before his NYC show last Friday, we totally jumped at the opportunity....


This is a touching story. By now, I'm sure you've seen or heard of Insane Clown Posse's absurd video for the track "Miracles" featuring...