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Upcoming Releases

While we still haven't gotten the promised Sea Sheapard EP that Gojira has already completed, the band has kickstarted the recording of another full-length...

Latest News

We just got an email from GWAR's publicist, with a new official word from GWAR frontman, Dave Brockie (Oderus Urungus to bohabs) regarding yesterday's...

Bummer Alert

It is with a very heavy heart that we report the tragic news that GWAR guitarist and producer Cory Smoot, aka Flattus Maximus was...

Injection Reflection

It's Hallo-weekend. I was going to go dressed as the easiest Waldo ever to spot, but I never had enough time to buy my...

Tour Dates

This is certainly a treat for European Dimmu Borgir fans. The band has announced, as a result of fan voting, they will be playing...


By now you folks probably know one of my favorite pastimes is to expose unsigned bands doing really cool shit. So when Censura from...

RIP a Livecast

In the first hour of the show, we played some of the Lou Reed and Metallica collaboration, Lulu (which you can listen to here),...

Injection Reflection

I'm pretty excited for this weekend because we are going to get to see Argonauts, the new band with Dave Witte and Dmitiri formerly...


On a cold February evening this year, I went to see Absu and Immortal play at the Gramercy Theater in NYC. Although I mainly...

Latest News

Last night, Devildriver frontman Dez Fafara tweeted that he co-wrote and sang with Max Cavalera "on the heaviest track I've heard from SOULFLY ever...


Listen as Dillinger interpret unquestionably the heaviest song on Nirvana's Nevermind. These guys sorta rule at covers. Have you heard their interpretation of Guns...

Injection Reflection

This week marked the official beginning of Fall. While the weather is starting to suck, heavy music is starting to ramp up it's Fall...

Breakups & Shakeups

We were shocked when the remaining members of Nevermore announced that guitarist Jeff Loomis and drummer Van Williams were out of the band. But...

Latest News

Yes, the headline is real! That is the equivalent of saying Trent Reznor to sit out Nine Inch Nails tour or Axl Rose to...

Latest News

Praise Satan, it might actually happen. It's no secret that I am a huge fan of The Dillinger Escape Plan. The band has quite...


We are pumped to announce our newest contributor, videographer Frank Huang, who has joined our ranks with a new channel, Pit Full of Shit....

Latest News

By now, I am assuming some of you guys are sick of hearing about The Big 4, so instead of creating a bunch of...


Late last night after getting back from the Big 4 show at Yankee Stadium, I just had to lookup the interview Lars Ulrich did...


Perhaps you can spare a few minutes and take a survey being conducted by our advertising network, the Blast Beat Network. It will take...


It's Thursday, but it sort of feels like Wednesday, because of the Labor Day holiday, but that doesn't matter because tomorrow is Friday, which...


A few months ago, things were looking up, when Dimebag's self-professed "hag" Rita Haney mentioned that her and Phil have pretty much buried the...

Latest News

This story made my week. Apparently, the NHL commissioned fucking Nickelback of all bands to perform at the Winnipeg Jets' first game ever. Gross! Naturally,...

Injection Reflection

Welcome to a new end-of-week column here that we like to call Injection Reflection. There is a storm a brewin' on the East Coast...