Welcome to a new end-of-week column here that we like to call Injection Reflection. There is a storm a brewin' on the East Coast and it will be the first hurricane to hit NYC in my lifetime. So, there may be a small chance we won't be back up by Monday, but for now, here is what you may have missed this week:
We posted four great Ask The Artist clips from Summer Slaughter, including my favorite: What is the future of extreme music? The other questions asked were: What is your favorite part of the fest? Favorite band to watch? And finally, what is the most extreme band of all time?
We got a ton of new music videos this week for your viewing pleasure including clips from: ARCH ENEMY, TERROR, BRING ME THE HORIZON, AGNOSTIC FRONT, TOXIC HOLOCAUST plus we posted a new episode of The FiX where REVOCATION picked their favorite videos.
The internet gods blessed us with some unearthed footage of Rage Against The Machine's first show ever.
Black Metal Problems are like first world problems, but grimmer.
This wasn't a good week for vocalists, as the singers of both The Human Abstract and Tesseract quit due to road fatigue.
Corey Taylor hinted at a Slipknot U.S. tour.
We'll be back on Monday, if we're not all dead by then!