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Search results for "bodies"


In need of some vicious and sinister hardcore that includes a touch of thrash? Well you’re in luck with the debut LP from Primal...


The newest record from Wake, Misery Rites, makes for a savage trip into rage.


No part of Fucked And Bound's new LP is subtle in its vicious hardcore glory


Salt Lake City's power metallers are back with their second full-length album.


“Hearing is for life, wear fucking earplugs at shows”


Mammoth Grinder unleash a whole lot of fury and insanity in their fourth LP, Cosmic Crypt


@dannyworsnop @AAofficial @benjaminbruce Girl Sing moving on in THE VOICE KIDS Brasil pic.twitter.com/nCnoRn0xSG — Andersøntoyou (@andiSsu2) January 7, 2018 Anytime there is any rock...


Avatar Country is a wonderful ride. If you’re looking to get lost in a charming journey of melodies, this is the record for you.


Nevermore's discography at a glance, commemorating departed frontman, Warrel Dane.

Best of 2017

I continue to feel very fortunate to have a place at Metal Injection and other media outlets to share what I believe to be...

Core Breakdown

Pennsylvania’s Taste The Steel shares a gripping new track in "Prevaricate"

Funeral Doom Friday

Finally, the weekend is upon us. What better way to kick it off than with the latest installment of "Funeral Doom Friday". For those...

Tour Dates

There's gonna be so many notes involved.

Metal Crimes

All four members of Polish death metal band Decapitated were arrested on September 8 in Santa Ana, California after allegedly kidnapping a woman in Spokane, Washington on...

Latest News

He won't bleed and jizz all over your desk. We hope.


Between the Buried and Me's massive 2007 record took the metal scene by storm. Ten years later, the album is still one of the...

Music Videos

Featuring a very 1920s looking music video.

OZZFEST Nostalgia

Throwing a few curve balls into the lineup, bands like Chevelle, The Used, and Andrew W.K. provided contrast to heavy-hitters Down and Hatebreed.

New Music

Eighteen Visions did Nine Inch Nails, Fleshgod Apocalypse did Carcass, the list goes on.

Music Videos

Jonestown's album Aokigahara has been out for a little while now, though you can see the band in violent action courtesy of its new...

Throwback Thursday

Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past. So...