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Search results for "bodies"


Welcome to the third, and (maybe) final installment of our look at the work of heavy metal fashion designer Ray Brown. This week I'm...

Live Footage

Last night, The Smashing Pumpkins celebrated their 30th anniversary at a special show at the PNC Bank Arts Center in Holmdel, NJ and they...

The Obituarist

Hello boys and ghouls! Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist here at Metal Injection reporting for death metal duty! I am currently hungover in a...


Ghost and Rihanna is a match made in Hell we can all get behind.


At The Gates newest album, To Drink From The Night Itself, is an outstanding achievement of art


Kerry King has a message to you if you can't get laid.

New Music

The doom trio from St. Louis is back at it.


Sonder is a superb record that TesseracT can take much pride in


Panopticon's newest album is an easy contender for album of the year. Prepare for a magnificent journey in the double album experience that is,...


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...


Chicago's La Armada presents a brutal and political collection of music in their latest record, Anti-Colonial Vol. 1


Welcome back to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years...


Rivers of Nihil's Where Owls Know My Name is not only a fresh breath of air for death metal, but metal in general.


Ministry's 14th studio LP, AmeriKKKant, packs a whole lot of political commentary, along with a whole lot of industrial metal


Iron Reagan and Gatecreeper are stellar bands that have come together to make one hell of a split