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The music business is so unstable, who knows where we'll be in five years. Phil Anselmo is not scraping by, by any means, but...

Show Recap

Just over five months ago Black Sabbath, the band who the term ‘heavy metal’ was coined for, played their first hometown show in Birmingham...

Latest News

On October 31st, the Berklee College of Music will hold their annual Metal Guitar Night, which is a showcase of their finest metal guitar...

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So here I am back at Station 4 in St. Paul, waiting in line to be conquered by some of the finest metal bands...


Distressingly, the majority of Yakuza reviews still focus heavily on the alchemical influence the Chicago music scene has had on the band – noise rock,...


Welcome kiddies to episode 130 of MSRcast. We have been bringing the metal for a long time, and we are bringing you a splatterfest...


So much new music and video content, that we could barely keep up with it. Here is a roundup featuring new goodies from Stone...

Upcoming Releases

Metallica sure know how to keep busy. While they aren't planning on releasing a new album until 2014, the band has plenty of new...

Injection Reflection

What a week it's been. Offensive videos, lots of GWAR and way too much alcohol at our CMJ showcase last night. We'll make sure...

Latest News

A few weeks ago, the internet got all excited because Phil Anselmo stated that he discussed a potential Pantera reunion with guitarist Zakk Wylde,...


Nonexist, the Swedish death metal band formed by Johan Liiva (ex-Arch Enemy) and Johan Reinholdz (Skyfire) had melodeath fans headbanging around the world in...

Latest News

I love Instagram, it's my favorite social network. Besides forgoing the clutter of pointless status updates, and just focusing on photos, it's the only...

It's Just Business

There are many ways to go about curbing illegal downloading. You could sue your fans, but that doesn't work. Your lobbyist group can pressure...


It's only Tuesday?! Feh! Good thing there is some new music and videos to hold us over, including new stuff from Trent Reznor, Kylesa...


In order for a “progressive” album to be a success, its sound must be able to explore and experiment, yet still be memorable enough...

Upcoming Releases

No time to waste on silly introductions folks, this just may be the best line-up in the history of THE WEEKLY INJECTION. For serious....

Upcoming Releases

Damn it, Slayer! You tease and tease and tease a new album this year, but it doesn't look like it's happening. We already knew...


Today has been a huge day for new music, as you could see by scrolling down a bit. The madness continues, and we thought...

RIP a Livecast

This week's episode began with the Livecastards discussing the recent outburst by Green Day frontman Billy Joe Armstrong. Noa and Rob discussed jazz fusion...

RIP a Livecast

This was a very sexual edition of the RIP a Livecast. We learned about the many different ways to have non-penetrative sex. We learned...

Show Recap

Click here for our massive photo gallery from this tour It’s been a hell of a rewarding Spring/Summer for me as far as kick-ass...


Geo·dissonance: the metal movement is proliferating to all corners of the globe. In its relentless display of vitriolic truths and the ugliest questions of...

Metal Merch

This is not a joke, although it'd be a funny one. We've covered lame metal merch in the past, whether it be Metallica Monopoly,...