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Search results for "shredder"

The Obituarist

Iā€™ve got a great round up of 23 solid as fuck new releases (heavy on the death metal) you should be checking out this...

Dank Slams

There can be no argument made that refutes the weirdness of slam. It's inherently strange, and far too over-the-top for your average metalhead to...


This is how Madonna's guitar player gets down between shows!

Free Swag

A Jackson Juggernaut HT7 Misha Mansoor signature 7 string signed by Misha!

Latest News

Parkway Drive, Beartooth, and Asking Alexandria also took home some awards.


Cali stoner rockers Slow Season will release their new opus,Ā Westing,Ā on July 8th, 2016. We're pretty pumped to premiere one of the tracks off the...

Gear Gods

We were first exposed to sitar shredderĀ Rishabh Seen about a year ago with his cover of Animals As Leaders' "Tempting Time" and the follow-up...

Latest News

If this isn't heavy metal, then I really don't know what is.

Music Videos

John 5 is a pretty damn good shredder, but knows how to write an instrumental track that's worth listening to as well. This time...

Music Videos

So Death Angel might be dropping a serious thrash-terpiece.

Earnings & Attendance

Also revenues from Black Sabbath, Lamb of God, Between the Buried and Me and more.


Origins Vol. 1 is basically one of those all-too-common covers albums that were clearly more fun for the musicians to record than it is...


Spoiler: Wylde knows how to shred.


With our play-on-words black metal celebration in full effect, it's crucial to remember there is a more important subject at hand during the month...

At The Movies

Metal and horror movies are not just an excellent pairing, they are inseparable. Ever since the first metal band in history took their name...

Gear Gods

Have you ever jammed out to a sitar before? Well get ready because the riffage is SERIOUS in this cover by Indian shredder Rishabh...

Weekly Injection

Another STACKED week. New stuff from Earth Rockers, Finnish symphonic nerds, that one band Pitchfork loves, and many, many more! To the metals…


This is a band for prog nerds, stoner rockers, math rock fiends, and those fond of atypical musical experiences.